Sunday, May 31, 2015

Passenger plane that flew Montijo was a test – publico





The maneuvers of a passenger plane on Sunday, about the area of ​​Montijo, in Greater Lisbon, warned some county residents, who questioned whether the plane was in trouble. The Portuguese Air Force confirmed the PUBLIC the Boeing 767 estave to conduct tests to pilots and that this is standard procedure.


                          The number of overflights of the Boeing 767 EuroAtlantic Airways on Montijo, where is located the Air Base No. 6, took several people to question social networks what was happening. Some videos show a plane maneuvers to be directed to the air base in the area and then return to close to residential areas, in a circle. Wing maneuvers after 09h have begun and ended after about three hours. The Boeing eventually land at Portela airport near the 13h.

Paul Collier major, the Public Relations office of the Air Force, confirmed to the PUBLIC the plane belongs to a civil airline and would be conducting “training by nearby instruments”, during which the riders make several maneuvers like approach to the runway in this case to the Air Base No. 6. The low altitude at which the unit has flown is “safe “according to the official, and it happens to avoid any interference with scheduled flights near the region.

The mining major stresses that these exercises are” normal and happen regularly between once or twice a

month, “and serve for” qualification or requalification of pilots “of civil aviation. The completion of the tests requires a request from the Portuguese Air Force, as usually arise with the support of the areas closest airport bases in this case Portela.

Questioned about the alarm caused among the population of Montijo flown daily by Air Force planes , the official reaffirmed the “regularity” of the exercises. “Only if you can explain the distraction of people who did not realize similar situations in the past,” he said.



Plane at low altitude originates wave of calls to 112 – Journal News

District Command Source of Relief Operations (CDOS) Setubal confirmed to JN which in its central been received “many calls” zone residents concerned about situation, since the Boeing 767 Euro Atlantic flew over the area at very low altitude.

The same said that made the necessary arrangements, found that it was a plane approaching the runway for testing instruments that would eventually land at Portela Airport without any problem, shortly before 13 hours.

Testimonials residents on site are divided between those who support the “seizure” by maneuvers carried out by the aircraft and found that the situation did not inspire particular suspicion, since the air base Montijo was near and in case of real emergency, there would always be the possibility of an emergency landing.

The matter was also much talked about on social networks. Through these, the JN came to talk to a resident in Montijo who confessed to not having “been concerned” because, he said, “this area are immense training with planes.” He added even not understand the “fuss” made around the subject.


Passenger plane in testing frightened inhabitants of Montijo – Daily News – Lisbon

A Boeing 767 airline EuroAtlantic scared this morning the inhabitants of the South Bank, in the area of ​​Montijo, to fly over the area several times at low altitude. It was, however, a situation “normal and recurrent” training, explains Paulo Mineiro major, spokesman for the Portuguese Air Force.

The tests were filmed by locals. Watch the video

The commercial aircraft was to use the air base of Montijo to make approaches to track and simulate landings, for training pilots, said the spokesman of FAP, adding that it is common for companies to use the Air Force bases for these workouts, not to disturb the traffic in commercial airports.

“It happens in various bases and it is a perfectly normal situation, although not so recurrent that people do not estranhem” adds major, especially for being a commercial and non-military aircraft.

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Pensions paid from 2025 will be worth less than half the … – Daily News – Lisbon

The Portuguese who are now in the labor market and those who are beginning to work will receive pensions that will match less than half of what they received prior to retirement: the percentage is expected to exceed 57.5% of earnings in 2013 to 44.8% in 2025 and 30.7% in 2060, advancing to today’s edition of the journal public .

According to a report by the European Commission (EC), cited by the newspaper, the Portuguese social security system faces a serious problem related to the value of pensions that proposes to pay now or who will still enter the labor market.

The system’s sustainability is put into because an aging population, a result of increased life expectancy and low birth rate. In 2013 the percentage of people over 65 years on the working-age population (15 to 65) was 29.8% of the population in 2060 forecasts point to 63.9%. Thus, the adequacy of pensions is one of the issues mentioned as most important.

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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Two authorized treatment and the other refused to give babies … – iOnline

Two authorized treatment and the other refused to give babies saved brothers


The aim is to achieve a pregnancy and thus the birth of a child who can be a donor of bone marrow.


The National Council for Medically Assisted Procreation (CNPMA) authorized the holding of two treatments for the birth of children consistent with sick brothers, one of whom stepped forward, and refused a third request already made this year.


According to the president of CNPMA, Eurico Reis, the aim of the intervention is to obtain a pregnancy and thus the birth of a child who may be marrow donor for a sibling with leukemia.


The first two requests that come to the

Board in 2014 were accepted, but only one has advanced since the other couple gave up.


The application accepted and whose practice is underway in Genetics Center Playback Teacher Alberto Barros, Porto, was the first to obtain authorization from CNPMA as released the newspaper Público in April.


However, the specialist in reproductive medicine Alberto Barros explained to Lusa News Agency that this technique has been held in Portugal a few years ago, although at the time it was not necessary prior authorization from the Council.


Of the treatments done in this period resulted in no pregnancy.


The therapy in question is a cycle of Medically Assisted Procreation (PMA) with Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) for obtaining HLA embryo (Human Leukocyte Antigen) compatible for severe disease treatment effects.


PGD is a very early method of prenatal diagnosis for couples with a high risk of transmission of a gene disease (the “disease of the feet”) or chromosomal (such as trisomy 21).


This diagnosis is carried out after removal of one or two cell embryos on the third day of development or after the biopsy blastocyst (day 5), with subsequent diagnosis of a chromosomal gene or condition.


The purpose of this technique is the transfer of embryos or genetically normal, in this case, HLA compatible embryos relative to the group.


Whenever there is a request for the use of this technique, the Council shall act “case by case on the use of MAP techniques for selecting HLA compatible group for severe disease treatment effects,” he told Lusa Judge Judge Eurico Reis.


This means that “the concrete conditions of each of these individual situations are the essential foundation of the decision, given that, in all cases, is concerned the treatment of a serious illness and not prevention concerning potential or capability to come to unleash such a disease, “he said.


Regarding the request that the CNPMA prevented, the refusal to take into account an opinion of the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplant (IPST) and the available data regarding “the risk of disease recurrence and the likelihood that, in this case, finding a compatible donor. “


The CNPMA recognized “the enormous complexity of the subject matter and so is the personal suffering of the couple and the child involved,” but dismissed the application, although he admitted “the possibility of carrying out a review of the situation if a change occurs substantial to the circumstances. “






Minister has already doubled for 1000 new police per year – Daily News – Lisbon

In the space of less than 24 hours, the Minister of Internal Affairs has doubled the number of annual admissions for new police, 500 for 1000, starting already next year. The three unions PSP already met with Anabela Rodrigues, for the status of the discussion of this security force, start to get confused with the information and divergent positions that are taken at each meeting.

The “optimism “the first day begins to fade with the unions to register some discrepancies in the minister speech.

This is because when the DN consegiu determine together union leaders, Anabela Rodrigues said the same thing all. While Paulo Rodrigues, the ASPP, had given the assurance weekly working time staying within 36 hours, as Mario Andrade SPP and Armando Ferreira do SINAPOL, he said that time was only for the operational. “It is unthinkable police be in the same organization with different schedules,” noted Andrade and Ferreira.

Also the ASPP had been confirmed to maintain the current 25-day vacation, but the SPP and SINAPOL were proposed 22 to which were added three days, resulting in performance bonuses.

Read more in the printed edition or e-paper DN

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Briosa joined the Food Bank Against Hunger – The Game

The Academic, through the players Hugo Seco and Pedro Nuno, participated Saturday in a food collection campaign promoted by the Food Bank Against Hunger in a shopping center in Coimbra. It is more a campaign to address the food shortages that continue to affect many people in Portugal. The two players, along with the team of volunteers from the Food Bank Against Hunger distributed bags to customers collect food.

To participate in this kind of initiatives “is a delight for any player,” he took Hugo Seco. “Only in looks good and is important for an institution like the Academic participate in initiatives like this,” concluded the footballer.

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YouTube assembly celebrates 10 years of viral videos; see who … –

Following the celebration of its 10 years, YouTube made a montage of some of the videos that viralizaram on the site. Named “The AZ of YouTube”, the clip brings holdings as Rick Astley, Grumpy cat, Gangnam Style, the super attached girlfriend and many others have historical memes on the site

YOUTUBE.: TOP 5 of the most popular memes

The videos are categorized as failed, memes, animals, beauty, tutorials and more. To see, just click on “Show more” in the description of the assembly.

The clip was posted on Thursday (28) and have surpassed 5 million ad views. There are no Brazilian viral, but most are also very popular here. Check out the result.

How to download YouTube videos for Real Player? Comment on TechTudo Forum!

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Fernanda Serrano will sue director of Flash – iOnline

Fernanda Serrano will sue director of Flash


Fernanda Serano accused the director of “bad character” Journal i 05/30/2015 00:58:42


The actress made this afternoon a publication on your personal Facebook page.


Serrano says

it will sue the director of the magazine TV Guide and Flash, Louise Jeremiah, accusing her of “bad training, bad faith act and bad character.”



The Flash published on Friday in a report that ‘accuses’ the actress to have a company with a registered capital of 500 euros, with her husband Pedro Miguel Ramos, who applied for EU funds and will receive more than 300 000 euros.

“I have no partnership with the Pedro Miguel Ramos, with the unique elements in common, three wonderful children and a family. Nothing more, “can be read in the publication

The actress says it will sue the director of two publications:.” Never and at any time I may be faced with injurious acts of vandalism and profound bad faith, always by the same source, the magazine TV Guide and Flash, which curiously or not, have the same director, Louise Jeremiah, which will be immediately taken to court again for me. “

Louise Jeremiah, according says Fernanda Serrano in the same publication, it has already been convicted and forced to deny reports in the magazine in 2011. “I recognize right from the deep bad training, bad faith act and bad character that was targeted in the publication question, in the person of Director Louise Jeremiah, which will immediately replace the truth with the same emphasis, with which it is made the cover of today and its subject matter, with a public apology and is still sitting in the chair once again the dock in the case to give court in immediate input. “

Fernanda Serrano ensures that lives only of his work as an actress in TVI and that has never been part of a company with Pedro Miguel Ramos,” never having contributed to funds or any benefits whatsoever. “

Many colleagues have already shown solidarity with the actress, including Sofia Ribeiro who shared the publication of the actress.

” I am grateful that take into account this my testimony and make public as much as possible, so that they know how senseless to try and ludibriosa way, with the sole purpose of selling magazines for easy 3rd category, injuring who is actually suitable and serious in its way as a citizen and professional. Do not allow more acts of these! “He concludes.





REACHit Cortana: Microsoft and Lenovo lead assistant to Dropbox and … –

Microsoft and Lenovo announced the REACHit Cortana , a project that begins to take personal assistant Windows 10 to products outside Microsoft. The new partnership divulhada on Wednesday (27) is intended to help users to seek personal content, such as files and documents in cloud services as Dropbox , Google Drive and Box. Understand how it works.

Cortana, virtual assistant Windows Phone will come to Android and iOS

The Cortana and the REACHit are two apps that already existed. The first is the famous personal assistant included in Windows 10, and the second, a Lenovo application that scans different parts of the PC to find files. What is new is the union of services and Lenovo computer owners will like.

How It Works

Together they promise to find all types of files on any computer or device from Lenovo running Windows 10. The new app also identify if the file is looked at some of the main cloud storage services like Google Drive, DropBox and onedrive. In addition to popular e-mail servers, and calendars from Google, Outlook and Exchange Calender.

To make it even more attractive service, the files can be found through their context. That is, a user can find a photo, for example, only informing the Cortana on the day she was taken, without having to remember the exact name of the file.

What is the best Windows ever? Comment on TechTudo Forum.

The combination is another Microsoft’s

move to extend their platforms, and so approaching cloud services. The software developer had already begun this movement last year, when, in partnership with Dropbox, allow Office users to open documents and they store directly in the cloud.

The REACHit Cortana will be available in beta when Windows 10 reach for Lenovo devices and will be free. If you own a computer brand, it pays to sign up right away ( to test the service when it is released for everyone.

Windows Blog Life


Barbie joined the GNR – Express

The Barbie left in the wardrobe the princess dresses, fairy wings, the stilettos covered with purplish. Undressed magical powers and trifles and entered the body of the National Republican Guard (GNR). This Sunday, the eve of International Children’s Day for the first time appears to uniformed public and logo with black, the day is party. Its function:. Show girls superheroes walk with your feet on the ground and not need superpowers “to do extraordinary things”

The idea came when the GNR preparing a children’s event, which held this Sunday in Bethlehem Gardens, between 13h and 18h, with the Jeronimos Monastery. The slogan of the latest doll line – Be Cool – clung perfectly to the message that security forces want to pass on to the younger generations. All that remained was to wear the icon for the occasion. There was a phone call to Mattel, the immediate acceptance of the partnership and after two weeks of artwork came the mini-military, one One of a kind Doll (single piece) made exclusively for the occasion. “At the moment are no plans to market the Barbie GNR because it requires a minimum production of 50,000 units, high for the Portuguese market,” explains Sara Marcal, marketing director for Mattel.

fell to Raul Silva Lopes, 32, cover the hollow vinyl little body of 29 centimeters, with the uniforms of the soldiers of the GNR, reproduced to the finest detail. With architectural training, but currently working in the clinical file of the Hospital de Santarém, Raul is doll stylist in his spare time. After winning the Achievement Award in the 2nd Barbies collectors Convention, in which recreated the girls band Sweet (version Bem Bom), Mattel did not have doubts in choosing it to create the military.

“I researched a lot, picked every tissue in the exact color and texture, the white ropes, buttons, to make it as faithful as possible. Then I made a first prototype took to the Santarém GNR to see if everything was fine. It was necessary to rectify a striped sleeve, the back buttons and how entwined the strings. In two weeks I was ready, “says Raul Silva Lopes. There were basic rules to follow: the skirt must cover the knee, the doll may not appear sitting (because the military did not sit with the black tie) and the hair must be caught. It was only open one exception: the military surge in high heels. . Footwear “classic and sober” application only exists in the dolls of the 80s and 90s and are not intended to present, that changed measures

src="" srcset="http: //images-cdn.impresa .com / Express / 29.05.2015-Barbie2 v = Original & amp; mw = 240 240w, 320 320w, 480w, 05-29-Barbie2 v = Original & amp; mw = 680 680W, 768w, http: // 960W, = Original & amp; mw = 1024 1024w, 1280w, / Express / 05.29.2015-Barbie2 v = Original & amp; mw = 1920 1920w, 2048w ">

And because next to a Barbie is always a Ken, Raul has also created a GNR. Here, only one request: that was dark as most Portuguese. The duo will be presented Sunday at the Guard of the party in Bethlehem, from face painting camouflage, horse riding, self defense for younger, demonstrations with dogs, tents with night vision equipment and diving baptisms in swimming pool.


Nobody hit the EuroMillions. There will be 21 million jackpot … – Daily News – Lisbon

The next contest Euromillions, Tuesday, will have a jackpot of EUR 21 million as a result of not having been discharged any totalist the draw today, said in a statement the Holy House of Mercy.

With the second prize were determined three totalistic, none of which in Portugal, who will each one, almost 500,000 euros.

The third prize will be distributed for eight punters, all off Portugal which will receive, each about 62 thousand euros.

With the fourth prize were determined 29 bettors, one of which in Portugal, which will receive, each 8609.40 euros.

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What is the relationship between brain activity and sexual response … – Daily News – Lisbon

Researchers from the universities of Porto and Coimbra are developing a pioneering study on brain activity and sexual response of men with and without erectile dysfunction, announced the University of Coimbra (UC).

Centre for Research in Human Sexuality (SexLab), Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (UP) and the Institute for Biomedical Research in Light and Image (IBILI) of UC are developing a “study on male sexual response and their neural correlates, “says UC in a statement.

The research aims to” analyze the brain activity and sexual response of men with and without erectile dysfunction, given the content viewing movies sexual, while conducting an MRI, “ advances the UC.

This is the” first experimental design to assess the interaction between brain activity, sexual response and psychological factors ( cognitions and emotions) during exposure to sexual stimuli in men with and without erectile dysfunction. “

Funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), the inquiry may have impact on “consolidation of knowledge related to the etiology and maintenance of erectile dysfunction and its implications for treatment,” support the experts involved in the project, coordinated by Pedro Nobre and Miguel Castelo Branco, SexLab

directors of UP and UC IBILI, respectively .


Friday, May 29, 2015

Electronic cigarette users have spoken today in Porto – Daily News – Lisbon

electronic cigarette users demonstrated today in front of the Porto City Hall, against restrictions intended to be imposed on those cigarettes in Portugal and in other European countries, considering it a “lobby” the tobacco and pharmaceutical industry.

The protesters, about 10, contested the European directive of 2014 with regard to electronic cigarettes, and in particular against the rates applied to the liquid containing nicotine and against the prohibition of sale ‘online’ these products.

“.! Against the tobacco lobbies, against discrimination, against the absurd taxes, I vote against the prohibitions steamed,” read on a banner displayed by ‘vapers’ – the name given to those who using electronic cigarettes.

“We have to do something to raise awareness of the persecution that the tobacco lobbies and pharmacies are doing to end the electronic cigarettes,” said Lusa, José Sousa, `vaper” a year and a half.

These industries are not concerned with the welfare of the people, but with the loss of “millions” because there is a break in the conventional tobacco purchase and pharmaceuticals to quit smoking he said.

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Military officers prevented from approaching the … – The Ball


                         Figo responds to Blatter’s election – Luis Figo reacted quickly for re-election on Friday, Joseph Blatter for the presidency of FIFA (the world governing body of football).
 “This vote served only to endorse the election of a man who can not keep ahead of world football. Contrary to what Mr. Blatter said, the events of last Wednesday not stain football, stain FIFA and the officials who led the organization until now. Football is not guilty of the leaders of the governing body that should not have regular integrity or character.
 You can not lead the FIFA making a clean sweep of the most elementary rules of transparency, legality and democracy. They were not satisfied, as denounced and it was found.
 Or Mr. Blatter knew and condoned acts of corruption and influence peddling, or, if he did not know – as he says – is because it has no capacity to lead the FIFA. There is no other way to see the problem.
 In the face of so much evidence, that the primary responsibility for FIFA to have gotten to this point has been re-elected and says how the organization is ill.
 Today was another black day in Zurich. Lost FIFA but above all lost football and all those who truly care about him.
 Heartbreaking and cynical reaction of Mr. Blatter when he says he can not control everyone. Offends the intelligence of all of us. It was these people he has promoted for years and that with him, made FIFA what it is today, a decaying body.
 If Mr. Blatter is minimally cared about

football, I would have given up to present for reelection. If you have a minimum of decency, will have to resign in the coming days.
 I regret nothing. I struggled, I persisted, endeavored to me by the regeneration of an organization that has to change course. We live in an emergency situation and football is the main harmed by the current situation.
  What I did was report what I experienced directly. Would I do it and remain available to help FIFA to rebuild it all this. ”


Armed Forces: Official return medals in protest … – Daily News – Lisbon

The new Statute of the Military Armed Forces (EMFAR), which was published Friday in the Official Gazette, has aroused the opposition of socio-professional associations against some of the new rules, especially those that restrict early changeover to reserve and increase the length of stay in some places.

“Against the backdrop of the camaraderie and solidarity ties between the military, even more rooted in service commissions that have met during the war, a delegation of officers, representing what feels the overwhelming majority of the military, will return today [...] the presidency the decorations that corresponded to those commissions, “the AofA said in a statement.

The official” do it by giving public witness to the deep-seated that this review is cause and warning of the non-negligible consequences for the Armed Forces, that the President is, inherently, the Supreme Commander, “said the AofA, which he chairs Colonel Manuel Cracel.

The new amendments to EMFAR, which regulates the essential aspects of military career and was under review since the end of 2013, increase the retirement age from 65 to 66 years from 2016, as to the remaining public administration, and a new military call model in reserve for the performance of functions.

You get to spend the reserve, the military now have to

40 years meet military time and 55 years of age, whereas hitherto these conditions were instead.


Pope will receive families of young people who died in Meco – Journal News





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