Friday, October 31, 2014

Hungarian government backs the intention of “taxing the Internet” because of … –

 The Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, heard the popular demonstrations and dropped, for now, the intention of creating a fee to apply to the transfer of data over the Internet. The political leader felt that the way the law was worded could not enter into force.

Viktor Orban decided to “listen” to the people in the last days of massively protested against the passage of the law. Because despite being a levy on providers of Internet, consumers already knew that ultimately would end up being too prejudiced.

“If people do not like something just as well consider it unreasonable, then it can not be done,” said Viktor Orban on the subject.

In early 2015 the Hungarian Prime Minister will however want to listen to the people through a referendum in relation to use of the Internet and the ways the country can profit from the revenue generated by the “big network, “writes Reuters.

The legislative proposal provided that every Internet provider to pay

150 guilders, about 50 cents per gigabyte consumption made – it was downloading or uploading.

Reuters writes that even though the revenue that would be generated by the new rate, it hardly would have any significant impact on the public accounts of the country.

  Written under the new Orthographic Agreement



Hungary fee freezes on the Internet – Pú





A week after being announced the creation of a tax on the use of the Internet, which led to protests in the streets of Budapest, the Hungarian prime minister admitted that the way the law is written to prevent this please force and announced changes to the text.


                          In a rare concession since coming to power in 2010, Viktor Orbán have been sensitive to the pressure of thousands of Hungarians since Sunday have come to the streets to condemn the imposition of a tax on Internet amounting to 150 guilders (about 50 cents) per gigabyte transferred, are downloads or uploads . Also the criticism that came from the European Union, through the Commissioner for Neelie Kroes Digital Agenda, said that the measure “is not a smart idea,” may have contributed to the decline of Orbán.

On Friday, in remarks to public radio Kossuth, the Hungarian head of government said that “if the people disagree not only as regards [the rate] irrational”, then the

application of a tax provided for in the Budget State for 2015 “should not be made under these circumstances.” “The text of the tax should be modified. It should be removed and not have to deal with it now,” he said.

Viktor Orbán also announced the holding of a national referendum on the use of Internet and financial issues associated with them. “It is necessary to determine where does the huge profit of Internet services and part of it could be kept in Hungary and channeled to the budget,” stressed the Prime Minister, which provided a plug-in state revenues of € 60 million per year with the application fee.

The members of the movement “100 000 against the tax the Internet”, who have organized protests in Budapest, responded to the words of Orbán with the announcement of a celebration for the evening of Friday. “This is the victory of the Hungarian people against an inept power. Orbán should not even think about restricting freedom of information. “

For are not already plans for what will happen next on the opposition side’s. The small step Orbán should not reach to prevent further protests against the government, accused of abuse of power, but the demonstrations will not be sufficient to leave the post of prime minister before the 2018 elections



Diva cinema reborn skin Kelli Garner – The Ball

The diva of cinema Marily Monroe will be reborn, this time, the body of Kelli Garner. The American actress was chosen to play the role of one of the greatest muses in the film industry in a TV miniseries based on the book “The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe” by J. Randy Tarabirrelli.

The miniseries will focus on yourself, in part, on family life of Monroe, where his mother, who is played by Susan Sarandon, played a pivotal role. According to Lifetime, will be “a Marily never seen before.”

With 30 years, Kelli Garner is known for his performances in shows

like “Pan Am” or films like “The Aviator.”


Hungarian Prime Minister announces referendum to validate tax … – Daily News – Lisbon

The Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, announced today one
 “National referendum” in January to decide the rate of
 use of the internet, a subject that has caused several demonstrations
 of protest.

“The tax on the internet can not be applied in
  its current form (…) Nothing can be validated in the circumstances
 current, “explained the leader in Hungarian public radio interview
 announcing a referendum in January.

On Sunday, more
 ten thousand people demonstrated in Budapest against the intention of
 government to introduce a tax on the use of internet,
 considering it a “retrograde idea”

The rate announcement -. in
 worth 150 forints (50 cents) per gigabyte of data
 transferred – was made by Minister of Economy,

Mihaly Varga

  measure contained in the budget for 2015 of one of the countries most
 indebted EU, would take effect next year and
 would raise around € 60 million per year.


Some retailers Pay barring Apple in its stores – Proxxima

The launch of mobile payment technology Apple suffered a setback a week after the announcement of CVS and Rite Aid, part of a consortium that is developing a competing system, to get the Apple Pay its stores.

The CVS and Rite Aid networks are among the 220 000 points of sale in the United States already have the technology to read signs wireless short range that allow customers to pay Apple or similar services make a purchase the smartphone. They were not on the initial list of partners Apple Pay.

The pharmacies have stopped accepting Pay Apple last week, according to a person familiar with the situation, who asked not to be identified person. The CVS has about 7700 drug stores, and Rite Aid, 4570.

“This action announces the impending battle in the mobile payment market,” reported by e- Anindya Ghose mail, professor of marketing and information technology at the University of New York.

Trudy Muller, an Apple spokeswoman, declined to comment. Executives at CVS and Rite Aid did not respond to the publication of that matter.

At stake is a market that should jump $ 12.8 billion in 2012 to $ 90 billion in 2017, according to Forrester Research. The entry of Apple in mobile payments following efforts Square, and Google SoftCard – a digital portfolio supported by the three largest mobile operators in the United States -. Who failed to gain scale

The CEO Apple, Tim Cook, the company aims to boost new businesses that immerse users in Apple’s digital ecosystem.

The CVS and Rite Aid are part of a consortium of companies called Merchant Customer Exchang who has worked on their own mobile payment system in order to reduce dependence on credit cards.

The system group called CurrentC, is in beta testing and is expected to launch in 2015, according to a statement on its website. Network members include Walmart, Lowe’s and Target

Apple’s strategy is the opposite:. A partnership with leading banks and credit card companies such as Visa, Mastercard and American Express which represent, according to the company’s Cupertino, over 80% of purchases with credit cards in the United States. Apple also charge fees of card issuers, according to three people familiar with the business.

Pay Apple works on new phones iPhone iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. The major pitfall for the company is that marketers have to upgrade systems and credit card debt in order to read the data.

Credit card issuers are pushing the US to upgrade retail Your payment terminals until next year to accept debit and credit cards with chips. The deadline to make the switch is in October 2015. So far, the over 10 million stores in the United States, approximately 220 000 already updated. The upgrade costs $ 500 to $ 1000 per terminal, according to Javelin Strategy & amp; Research.

From Advertising Age


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Invented a pastel de nata which is only put in the microwave and you’re done – Pú





The traditional pastel de nata misses the joke hours after being cooked. The chemical explains what happens. When the pie comes out of the oven, the pastry is crisp and warm cream. But as it cools, water exist in which infiltrates the cream puff pastry, softening it. Even if you heat in the microwave again, the result is a soft pastel. Now the company Mealfood and a team of scientists from the University of Aveiro teamed up to invent a pastel de nata already cooked warming in 60 seconds in the microwave and still crunchy, announced on Wednesday the University of Aveiro in a statement.


                          The company wants its new cream puffs Eatly Portuguese supermarket shelves by the middle of 2015. And at the same time has come to Angola, Mozambique, Macau and England.

“It was an idea that arose more than two years,” says António Santos, a director of Mealfood, the PUBLIC. The company with five employees, was born in late 2012 and is installed in the municipality of Hostel-a-Velha, district of Aveiro. The aim was to use the knowledge Francisco Santos, pastry chef with international experience and one of the directors of the company to start producing crayons.

Today, there are cream puffs raw or semi-raw for sale consumers. To be ready, the cakes have to be cooked in the oven for 20 minutes to more than 200 degrees. As this market was already filled, the leaders of Mealfood chose to bet on a more direct product: a crayon that was already cooked, then frozen and that was that when it came to the hands of the people, had to be heated in the microwave only in the end. The end result would be a pastel de nata “with the same freshness” than a fresh out of the oven, in the words of António Santos, ready in just

a minute.

To this, the businessmen decided to contact Manuel António Coimbra, food biochemist at the University of Aveiro. “It was a challenge,” says the scientist to the PUBLIC. “The company wanted a custard tart with the same physical, sensory and visual features,” he explains. To achieve this goal, the researchers used a polysaccharide, which is a complex carbohydrate. The polysaccharide used is hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), which is hydrophobic. Ie do not let the water approaching. And that is why it makes more waterproof puff pastry, not letting water seep and prevents the dough softens.

The HPMC is already a food additive used in other foods. Besides having put on the puff pastry, the scientists also used the HPMC cream. Thus, when the pie is heated in the microwave, the water does not boil the cream and not ripping film of cream, which is so characteristic of the pastel de nata.

The investigation was conducted over six months . “It took many tests, it took many hours,” says António Santos, who did not want to reveal how much that cost the investment company. The work was done jointly by the University of Aveiro team, which included researchers Rita Bastos and Elisabete Coelho, pastry and Francisco Santos.

various polysaccharides were tested at various concentrations, to obtain the this result. “It’s a learning among those who know do pastel and those who have the science and theory behind” argues turn Manuel António Coimbra.

The pastel still has a nutritional benefit, as it takes less fat therefore is less caloric. Instead of 230-240 calories of crayons conventional cream, this is 184.

The new product is now waiting for an English patent, which has been requested. However, there is a packaging design that takes six pastels. When they reach the market, you only need to heat them and eat them – preferably with cinnamon.



Just a minute to make a custard tart with fewer calories – Daily News – Lisbon

The University of Aveiro today announced that it has developed a pastel de nata
  “Ready to heat up in the microwave,” less calorie, and maintains the
 original features, which opens new horizons to your
 marketing and export.

The pastel de nata created in the Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, with “all the traditional flavor and fewer calories” can be frozen after it’s done and be consumed anywhere in the world, as if it had was just done after a minute in the microwave.

So far, the cream puffs, when subjected to freezing and reheating in a microwave, stayed with a different texture of fresh from the oven and the puff pastry was no longer crunchy.

For this reason, those who had in the market were frozen and sold as raw or semicru product, still requiring lengthy confection in a

conventional oven and at elevated temperatures.

The problem was solved by the Chemistry Department (FD), University of Aveiro with the incorporation of a food ingredient-based polysaccharides added to the puff pastry and custard cream.


Genetic factor seems decisive to survive, or not, the infection … – Daily News – Lisbon

The evolution of the outbreak of Ebola that is affecting mainly three West African countries – Guinea Conakry, Sierra Leone and Liberia – shows that the difference between surviving or succumbing to the virus infection is not linear. Admittedly timely health care can make the difference between life and death (and, in many cases, have been so), but now is emerging as another looks for decisive outcome of infection: genetic factor.

It is there that points to an article published today in the journal Science research, we developed a new model for studying the disease, using mice genetically different from each other. All the animals infected with the virus (the strain used was Zaire), suffered only a mild or almost

undetectable infections, while others had a more severe condition, and a largely died .

Read more in the print edition or e-paper


Microsoft launches smart bracelet – TVI24

Microsoft has presented this Wednesday, its new platform dedicated to health and fitness – Microsoft Health -. And his new smartband

Microsoft Band is equipped with ten intelligent sensors 24 hours to monitor the cardiac activity of the user at the gym or place of work, amount of burned calories or quality of sleep.

“Band” also allows the user is online or while performing physical leisure activities, managing receive emails, notifications, updates on social networks and interact with Cortana, the “Siri” for Windows Phone.

While the platform is now available from Thursday through Microsoft Health application compatible with Android, iOS and Windows Phone systems, fans of Microsoft in Portugal will have to wait to be able to use the ‘Band’. The smartband still only available in the US for a value of $ 199 (€ 78.5).

According to

the company, this platform will work on cloud and gathers information that is then registered in one or more devices furniture, including the smart bracelet.

“The more data are available, the platform becomes more intelligent and provides more powerful information,” the company reveals.

According to the company, when this information be stored on the platform, the user can combine data generated on multiple devices or online services, such as cardiac output, calories consumed, physical exercises, and then receive information on the issues that matter most, including For example, the rest time required for better performance in sporting activities.


“Being gay was one of the greatest gifts that God has given me” – Pú





“I’m proud to be gay and consider it to be gay was one of the greatest gifts God gave me.” Quote of the chief executive of Apple in an article publicly as a homosexual could not be clearer. The idea was the same. This and declare that despite not being an activist in the community gay will not leave to defend their rights. “I will personally defend equality for all by my toes point up.”


                          Tim Cook writes in the Thursday edition of the Bloomberg Businessweek . Article talks about her sexuality and how it was received at Apple and how influenced his personal and professional life.

The man who succeeded in office the charismatic Steve Jobs three years ago always wanted to “maintain a basic level of privacy” and that Apple was only mentioned by their products and their use. Quoting a phrase from Martin Luther King – “What are you doing for others?” -, Cook explains that the desire to keep private your personal life prevented him from doing “something more important”

. “I was open to many people about my sexual

orientation for years,. Many colleagues at Apple know I am gay and it does not seem to make a difference in how they treat me. Of course I was lucky to work for a company that loves the creativity and innovation and knows he can flourish only when we accept the differences in people. Not all are so lucky, “he writes.

If until now his homosexuality was kept private, Tim Cook says that it is time, after 53 years of talking. “So let me be clear: I am proud to be gay and consider it to be gay was one of the greatest gifts God gave me.”

The leader says homosexuality allowed better understand what being a minority. Enabled him to become more “empathetic” to have “confidence” in being as it is and be superior to the “adversity and fanaticism.” “It also gave me the skin of a rhinoceros, which comes in very handy when you’re Apple’s CEO.”

Tim Cook said that “part of social progress is to understand that a person is not defined only by its sexuality, race or gender. ” “I’m an engineer, an uncle, a lover of nature, a madman for fitness , a son of the South, a fanatic for sports, and many other things. I hope people will respect my desire to focus on the things for which I am more prepared and work that brings me joy. “



Aveiro produces pastel cream with less calories and going to … – PT Journal

There’s a custard tart with the usual flavor, but with fewer calories and that is “ready to heat up in the microwave.” Was developed by the University of Aveiro thinking in marketing the sweet without the mass ceases to be crispy and crunchy.

The latest innovation from the Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro (UA) is Crispy, crunchy and can be eaten warm at any time of the day: is the pastel de nata

But it’s not a pastel de nata as others.. The taste is traditional, but has fewer calories and is notable for being “ready to heat up in the microwave.”

Anyone who has tried one of these warm cakes knows that mass undergoes changes in texture. This has been the main obstacle to commercialization of the product, because the frozen pastries require a lengthy ‘finished’ in a conventional oven.

Now, says the AU said in a statement, because you can eat a pie heated cream in the microwave as if it had been done at the moment, thanks to the addition of a base of polysaccharides in puff pastry and cream.

“This ingredient yielded a product that can be frozen and reheated in microwave oven, preserving the characteristics of the traditional pastel de nata “said Manuel António Coimbra, the coordinator of the Department of Chemistry team, also composed by Rita Bastos and Elisabete Coelho.

Besides keeping” all

the traditional flavor ” this ‘university pastel’ still has “fewer calories,” said the investigator.

“The addition of polysaccharides in the formulation led to an increase in dietary fiber content and a decrease in fat content, getting -If a pastel de nata with only 184 calories, less than the traditional “, which has 298 calories, reinforced Manuel Coimbra

Made in Aveiro, this pastel de nata can reach around the world:.” With this new product, the consumer can enjoy all the flavor and quality of a traditional pastel de nata at any time of day from the comfort of your home and you can export and expand markets for this product typically Portuguese with preservation of its features. “

The recipe, created by the master confectioner Francisco Santos, is the patent pending.


Tim Cook: “Being gay was one of the greatest gifts that God has given me” – Pú





“I’m proud to be gay and consider it to be gay was one of the greatest gifts God gave me.” Quote of the chief executive of Apple in an article publicly as a homosexual could not be clearer. The idea was the same. This and declare that despite not being an activist in the community gay will not leave to defend their rights. “I will personally defend equality for all by my toes point up.”


                          Tim Cook writes in the Thursday edition of the Bloomberg Businessweek . Article talks about her sexuality and how it was received at Apple and how influenced your personal and professional life.

The man who succeeded in office the charismatic Steve Jobs three years ago always wanted to “maintain a basic level of privacy” and that Apple was only mentioned by their products and their use. Quoting a phrase from Martin Luther King – “What are you doing for others?” -, Cook explains that the desire to keep private your personal life prevented him from doing “something more important”

. “I was open to many people about my sexual orientation for

years,. Many colleagues at Apple know I am gay and it does not seem to make a difference in how they treat me. Of course I was lucky to work for a company that loves the creativity and innovation and knows he can flourish only when we accept the differences in people. Not all are so lucky, “he writes.

If until now his homosexuality was kept private, Tim Cook says that it is time, after 53 years of talking. “So let me be clear: I am proud to be gay and consider it to be gay was one of the greatest gifts God gave me.”

The leader says homosexuality allowed better understand what being a minority. Enabled him to become more “empathetic” to have “confidence” in being as it is and be superior to the “adversity and fanaticism.” “It also gave me the skin of a rhinoceros, which comes in very handy when you’re Apple’s CEO.”

Tim Cook said that “part of social progress is to understand that a person is not defined only by its sexuality, race or gender. ” “I’m an engineer, an uncle, a lover of nature, a madman for fitness , a son of the South, a fanatic for sports, and many other things. I hope people will respect my desire to focus on the things for which I am more prepared and work that brings me joy. “



Is losing memory? The best is to eat chocolate – Daily News – Lisbon

That is to say we can now eat chocolate at will without feeling guilty. But the best will always opt for the bitter, the richer in cocoa. A study from Columbia University, US, indicates that cacao has benefits for the brain, it helps to reverse loss of memory resulting from aging.

Through images taken by magnetic resonance imaging, a team of Researchers found that there is a specific area of ​​the brain associated with memory loss that occurs naturally with age, experiencing greater vascularity, or increased metabolic activity with cocoa consumption. According to the study published in Nature Neuroscience, quoted in The Guardian, this is the first scientific evidence that memory loss can be reversed with a diet rich in flavo-noides, in cocoa (the main ingredient of chocolate) and can also be found in wine, tea and certain fruits and vegetables.

Contacted by DN, the neurologist Lima Lopes states that “there has been a lot

of information that points in this direction, not only at the level of chocolate, but also coffee.” Apparently, the expert explains both have antioxidant effects that may be beneficial. “They will not prevent Alzheimer’s disease, if the patient has of getting the disease, but may have a protective effect,” he says.

Read more in the e-paper of DN.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

University of Aveiro ‘exports’ custard tarts – Science Today

The problem has now been solved by the Chemistry Department (FD), University of Aveiro, who developed a custard tart that can be frozen after it’s done and be consumed anywhere in the world, as if it was just done, after one minute in the microwave. More, researchers from UA developed in less calories than the traditional pastel cream.

Alvaro Santos Pereira poked an opportunity in cream puffs

Alvaro Santos Pereira poked an opportunity in cream puffs

“The cream puffs made that currently exist in the market, if subject to freezing and reheating in a microwave oven, get a different texture the traditional pastel and cream with a crispy puff pastry not “, says Manuel António Coimbra, researcher at the DQ. The coordinator of the team – composed by Rita Bastos and Elisabete Coelho – reveals that this was developed based on the incorporation of a food-based ingredient polysaccharides, which was added to the puff pastry and custard cream

. “This ingredient yielded a product that can be frozen and reheated in the microwave oven, preserving the characteristics of the traditional pastel de nata” , says Manuel António Coimbra. Nutritionally, said the investigator, “The addition of the polysaccharides in the formulation led to an increased dietary fiber content and a decrease in fat, resulting in a pasty cream with only 184 calories less than Traditional “.

Partnership with the company Mealfood

Just in Portugal and China ...

So in Portugal and China …

The pastel de nata prepares to be sold as a frozen product and fully made, just one minute of heating in a microwave oven to be savored. “With this new product, consumers can enjoy all the flavor and quality of a traditional pastel de nata at any time of day from the comfort of your home” , guarantees Manuel António Coimbra. Plus, with the new recipe “will be possible to export and expand markets for this product typically Portuguese with preservation of its features sui generis .”

The recipe, says Manuel António Coimbra, was developed at the request of Mealfood “in the know-how of master pastry chef Francisco Santos that company joined the Science University.” After six months of work, the pastel de nata is already a patent made and consumers can find them on the market soon.


Microsoft updates Azure and Office 365 with news and features … – Canaltech

By Writing in | 10.29.2014 at 9:13 a.m.

Windows Azure

The Microsoft announced on Wednesday -Thurs (28) new capabilities to enhance their open cloud platform Azure, as well as various administrative resources for the applications of Office 365. Both products work in the cloud and need constant updates regarding the safety. The Azure, for example, has a collection of integrated services for compute, storage, database, network and cloud applications that help the user achieve greater efficiency in their projects, and allows saving money.

The notices referring to Azure show that the company is willing to execute its strategy to allow greater freedom for developers to deploy applications on the platform. Already ads from Office 365 show that Redmond is struggling to build a successful product, creating a set of cloud-based that can be quite attractive for large companies.

During the TechEd Europe conference in Barcelona, ​​Spain, company executives announced that next year, Office 365 will earn management capabilities of mobile devices that will allow companies to monitor the activities of their employees on the platform via their tablets and smartphones.

In addition, the prevention of data loss will change to SharePoint Online – service used to store, share, organize and access information from any device – and OneDrive applications. Thus, companies can, more effectively suppress the sharing of critical information.

src="" title="Microsoft Azure" width=" 630 ">

The US company also talked about the launch of Azure Batch, a service based on the acquisition of GreenButton platform for high performance computing in the cloud. According to a company statement issued to the VentureBeat website, “Azure Batch can be used to implement applications that require higher performance and risk analysis, engineering simulations, file processing, rendering, transcoding, among others.” The Azure Batch can still allocate thousands of virtual machines (VMs).

It was also announced that System Center Advisor is part of the Azure Operational Insights, analysis service that allows IT administrators to gain a deep insight in their environments. Moreover, it allows customers to interact in real time with historical data to develop the machines, faster, and provide personalized ideas for the Microsoft development standards for data analysis.

Other than that, they were also presented new APIs for calendars, contacts, e-mail and files in Office 365.

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Planet Earth will not stay dark for six days – iOnline

“NASA confirms six days of darkness.” Social networks were clogged with the news. Apocalypse believers prepared for the worst and sites around the world – including the prestigious media – reported the news, helping it to spread like a virus through the net. The seal of approval was the head of NASA, Charles Bolden, who was aware of a terrible, most of the last 250 years solar storm that would prevent sunlight from reaching the planet. The phenomenon happen around December 21 (winter solstice) and lasted 216 hours.

Bolden called for calm to all the inhabitants of the earth and guarantee three days of total darkness and three partial not cause major problems for the planet. It was only necessary tranquility.
If the news seems a case of science fiction is because come on by. The satirical news site

launched – on your page realizes that Starbucks has used breast milk in their coffees and deadly Ebola victims become zombies – and many unbelievers were in conversation, aided by the media that not confirmed the source of the news and helped spread the lie.


Chocolate is good for your memory, word of investigator – TSF Online

The study was conducted by a team of researchers from Columbia University, US, who through images captured by MRI found that a very specific area of ​​the brain associated with memory wear because of age, had a greater vascularization, that is to say, it had increased blood flow, more nutrients, and therefore recorded over metabolic activity. All together had more predisposed in the memorization process.

This is the explanation given by the coordinator of research, Adam M. Brickman, associate professor of Neuropsychology of the Taub Institute at Columbia University, quoted by the Spanish newspaper El Mundo . The area where the changes occur is “one of the few regions of the adult brain where new memories are formed,” a key area for memory and learning.

In the study, published in Nature Neuroscience, was offered a drink of chocolate to 37 healthy volunteers, aged 50 (the age at which it begins to natural deterioration of memory) and 69 years.

After, randomly, all the days and three months, half of them

prepared in a rich ingested flavonoids, the main ingredient of chocolate, and the other took the other, but with less quantity of the same substance. All participants took an MRI before and one after the test period.

With these images, the authors proved “notable improvements among those who consumed the most amount of flavonoids,” says Brickman. The discovery also this Weds better results in tests of memory that each volunteer was subject.


Apple CEO strikes back after blocking retailers … – Era Business Magazine

 The Apple chief executive Tim Cook rebutted the CVS and Rite Aid after pharmacy chains blocked the mobile payment service, the creator of the iPhone, saying that there are several other retailers around the world to accept the service.

 The Apple Pay was released about a week and saw more than a million credit recorded in the first 72 hours cards. The service says it has more transactions than any other payment methods “contactless” combined, Cook said, citing data from Visa and Mastercard.

 These services, with which a user makes a payment holding a smartphone near a terminal specially designed, failed to become popular in the United States, despite support from Google and other influential players.

 News emerged over the weekend that the two retailers have opted not to use Apple Pay, preferring a rival system to about 50 retailers, including Wal-Mart and Best Buy, are developing for their own use.

 “We have many other merchants to enter (in service), we have many banks to enter and have the rest of the world,” Cook said on the conference Digital Live Wall Street Journal, the most extensive statements of the company so far on the block.

 CVS and Rite Aid did not explain its surprising decisions. However, the driving force behind the development of a proprietary payment solution for retailers is to avoid paying transaction fees credit card companies such as Visa and Mastercard, analysts said. Varaim rates between 2% and 3% of the cost per transaction.


 Some big US retailers are refusing to use the new electronic payment service from Apple competitors to develop systems that boost their profits by eliminating transaction fees on credit cards.

 Wal-Mart is among about 50 large retailers who chose not to accept Apple Pay, next to Rite Aid and CVS HealthCorp. The companies say they are working

on developing their own payment systems, called C Current through the consortium Merchants Customer Exchange (MCX).

 The push to develop own mobile payment solution is to avoid paying fees to credit card companies such as Visa and Mastercard, analysts said. Rates are between 2 and 3 percent of the costs per transaction.

 “The economy and the benefits of having your own payment system is definitely one of the main reasons,” said Hitesh Sheth, chief executive of technology company for retail and cybersecurity Vectra Networks.

 The Mastercard criticized the move of CVS and Rite Aid, claiming that limit consumer choice. “We are disappointed with the fact that both Rite Aid and CVS have decided to block its customers from using the payment method you choose,” the spokesman for Mastercard, Jim Issokson said.

 Retailers who are rejecting the Pay Apple also refused to use mobile payment systems like Google Wallet and SoftCard. The spokesman for Wal-Mart, Randy Hargrove said the company is not using the Pay and Apple is focused on MCX, to be part of the heavyweights of the consortium.

 Target said that it supports the MCX but also allows users to make online purchases through their mobile application using Apple Pay.

 (By Deepa Seetharaman, Nandita Bose and Nathan Layne)


Google works in the diagnosis of cancer and heart attacks – Mobile JN

Google works in the diagnosis of cancer and heart attacks

Posted today at 00:53

The project is in its early stages and experts estimate that five to seven years may be needed for the completion


Google announced on Tuesday, which is working to develop nanoparticles that allow for the early diagnosis of cancer, heart attacks and other diseases ., through identification of biochemical changes in the body that give warning signs

The company, based in Mountain View (California), admitted that the nanoparticles, to be ingested through a capsule, may convey information about diseased cells to a computer equipped with sensors.

The technology giant recalled today in a statement that the rates of cancer survival depend largely on early diagnosis and regretted that in many cases, as in

tumors of the pancreas, these are available in advanced diagnostics.

The GoogleX, the department of Google that develops self airships cars, smart glasses and balloons to bring internet to remote communities also works on the design of nanoparticles.

“GoogleX is exploring particles diminutive (Nanoparticles) in blood flow and a device equipped with special sensors that can help clinicians detect disease when it begins to develop in the body, “the company said.




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From one to one hundred million per minute in 45 years – RTP

 The numbers tend to become larger still, as the internet will be expanding. According to Mashable page, specializes in information about the digital age, in every day are created 144 800 million “emails”.

 Today, in certain professions, 28 per cent of the working week is spent watching the “email”, though, all these messages, only 14 percent can be considered important. Unsolicited advertising, false messages, messages from friends and social network notifications, saying that someone said something, represent the rest.

 According to the same source, in 2012 only 3300 were created millions of new accounts “email”, only a third of them for professional reasons.

 It started less than half a century, October 29, 1969, when Leonard Kleinrock, a researcher at the University of California, sent the message “LO” to a colleague, Douglas Engelbart. Leonard wanted to write “LOGIN” but the system was down the middle.

 In the following years, this new type of communication has developed and just two years later, in 1971, created the first programs to send “email” and also the “at” symbol (@). Until the 80s of last century, the technique was up perfeiçoando, began to be possible, for example, send a message to more than one recipient, organize and save messages, forwarding or replying automatically or attach files.

 And by that time also came the so-called “spam” (the first unauthorized advertising contents and sent simultaneously to thousands of people email has been sent to May 1, 1978, the United States, reads the Web page., something that has not stopped growing since then.

 Today the “email” replaces a lot of mail that was previously mailed. Has the advantage of not involve effort, be quick and virtually free, does not necessarily have to be answered and be brief and without formality, and that can be sent anytime and read at any time and (almost) anywhere.

 Admittedly, it may also carry viruses. In 1999, the

famous “melissa” that spread via “email” and caused damages of millions of euros. And the page “livinginternet” also leaves a piece of advice: never send a “email” when you are angry.

 It’s just an angry person before I had to get a pen and paper, write a letter, put it in an envelope, seal it and go to the post office to send it. The irritation was time to move. Now an “email” full of irritation writes and sends them in seconds. And it can be saved, printed, forwarded and exposed permanently.

 Details. Today is exchanged more “mail” messages and send them less letters. Official figures show that in the second quarter of this year, total traffic of postal services in Portugal decreased 7.3 percent, with orders being the only postal object traffic increase, compared to the first quarter.

 And it is still the beginning. In a world with over seven billion people, are less than three thousand millions who have internet access, 39 percent of the population, it will have access to email.

 Every day more scarce cards in mailboxes but there are more people access the Internet, to create an email address, to receive and send messages, whether personal or professional, you want to be a good Christmas or birthday, sending a curriculum, important information, an anecdote or a photograph.

 Although the music and poetry speak of emails of love, but of love letters. Although ridiculous.

TAGS: Mail


IPhone payment system has already seen a million … – Business Journal – Portugal

Apple’s payment system via mobile devices this week kicked off in the United States, and Tim Cook, the company’s CEO, is already talking about success. Apple will have to overcome Pay services like Pay Pal.

Apple has released the new payment service, when he presented the new smartphone, the iPhone 6. More than one months after its release, Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, said that one million users in the United States already use Apple Pay.

The manager said, quoted by the Wall Street Journal, “we are in this business for a week and have leapfrogged competitors. ” Cook ensured that Visa and Mastercard systems partner for Apple’s payment system, Pay reported that Apple is already being used more than similar systems such as PayPal.

Soon the launch of Apple Pay the maker of “apple” reached agreements with McDonalds and Target. However other major US retailers have rejected the service, such as WalMart and CVS.

“We have other (US) retailers who want to enter, we have banks and the rest of the world” said Tim Cook, who spoke at a conference on technology in the United States.

Tim Cook uncovered, without giving details, that will have a meeting with the president of Alibaba for a possible partnership. Already Jack Ma, chairman of Alibaba, the same conference expressed its desire to join Apple to launch the service in China.

The Apple Pay allows the user only with the iPhone can make payments, replacing so the ATM card. It is through NFC (transfer of information just by approximating Device) technology that the system works. For now only available in the United States.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

From one to one hundred million per minute in 45 years – Destak

The first e-mail (“email”) was sent 45 years ago, and did not even come complete because the system was turned off, nothing compared with the present and with 100 million “emails” sent per minute.

The numbers tend to become larger still, as the internet will be expanding. According to Mashable page, specializes in information about the digital age, in every day are created 144 800 million “emails”.

Today, in certain professions, 28 per cent of the working week is spent watching the “email”, though, all these messages, only 14 percent can be considered important. Unsolicited advertising, false messages, messages from friends and

social network notifications, saying that someone said something, represent the rest.
