The environmental association Quercus elected pollution in the river Tagus as one of the worst environmental events of 2015 and the legislation that penalizes the consumption of plastic bags as one of the best.
The list was released today, in a statement, with Quercus to expect, environmental outlook for 2016 that municipalities opt more for non-chemical methods, alternative herbicides to combat weeds and that the state invests more in education and environmental awareness for protected areas.
The association warns of the “recurrent episodes of pollution” in the Tagus River, which cause them to “present year after year, more degraded and threatened,” having been “detected barriers to migration” of fish.
The list of the worst environmental facts encompasses waste recycling targets, the increase of eucalyptus “at the expense mainly of conversion-brave pine forests,” fraud in greenhouse gas emissions in diesel vehicles Volkswagen Group, forest fires, the lack of food for scavenger birds, the wind farm in Torre de Moncorvo, designed for a buffer zone, and illegal poisoning of birds in danger of extinction, such as the black vulture and the abutre- of the Egypt.
The organization also considers as negative in 2015, the extraordinary system of regulation of establishments activity and holdings without a license, “generally highly polluting companies or lax enforcement of environmental standards” and domestic and agricultural use, in Portugal, of glyphosate, a herbicide which can cause cancer.
For the environmental association, the goals set for the recycling of urban waste “are absurd”, since, pointed, inner regions of the are required to recycle 80% of waste in 2020, while the cities of Lisbon and Porto 42% and 35%.
In the list of best environmental facts 2015 include the recovery in Portugal, populations of animals that have been extinct, such as the imperial eagle Iberian and the Iberian lynx, the birth, in the region of Ribatejo, several
In 2016, the Quercus expects the Portuguese government “have a voice” from the Spanish government for the nuclear power plant Almaraz “definitely terminate its activity” and electronic guides waste monitoring to be created to “assist in the supervision and the proper recording of transactions management “of waste produced
Digital Daily / Lusa
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