Monday, December 7, 2015

Epson paperlab: a paper recycling machine that can be installed in your office – Portal Technology

Editors Pick

On the

 Epson paperlab

The destruction of sensitive paperwork, as well as the respective recycling of it is a costly process, since it is necessary external services to address that, but Epson may have the answer.

The Epson decided to create a paper recycling machine that can be installed in your office, a very interesting development and may allow faster recycling and “indoors”, consecutively with cost reduction.

According to information released by Epson, the new paperlab lets you “create” 14 A4 sheets per minute, which means 6,720 sheets per eight hours of work, and the process takes a few minutes (not specifying the time it takes). Can produce various sheet sizes, the largest being the A3 sheet

There are still many secrets about this machine:. Which costs? What happens to the ink? What is the amount of water needed? Are some unanswered and that will be important to realize is this new machine will mean a

saving for the company.

The Epson paperlab will be demonstrated in Tokyo next December 10, and will go into production as early as January

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