Sunday, December 27, 2015

Court Rules Nvidia infringed Samsung’s patents – Portal Technology


On the


It was last year that we saw Nvidia to sue both companies for patent infringement, Samsung and Qualcomm. Samsung responded with another process, which was favorable to them.

The “patent wars” are emerging in various business segments and graphic patents, particularly related to the GPU of mobile processors, are also in courts. There was still no process of this type, but last year Nvidia announced that after trying to reach agreement with Samsung and Qualcomm, decided to go to court because they have not reached an agreement on the use of its patents.

So, accused the South Korean manufacturer and the US by Qualcomm is infringing seven patents of American Nvidia. In response to this process, Samsung sued Nvidia for infringing three patents, now a special committee of the US International Trade Commission considered valid and upheld the South Korean.

According to Bloomberg, the decision It is not final, but it is

unlikely that the final decision is different. With this decision, Nvidia can see their products banned in the US market, however there is a patent that expires already in 2016, so even if sales are not allowed, might last few months, including the blocked products by this patent .

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