Thursday, December 17, 2015

Facebook, Google and Twitter agree to apply German law against racism and xenophobia – publico





Facebook, Google and Twitter have agreed to delete all references to hate speech of your pages within 24 hours at the request of Germany in a move to combat online racism that has increased in the country with the refugee crisis in Europe.

The German government has asked the social platforms that are aware of comments from online made foreign citizens at a time when Germany tries to respond to requests for help more than a million of refugees and migrants.

The German justice minister, quoted by Reuters, believes that the agreement between the three companies and the government facilitates the reporting of cases of hate speech by users and anti-racism groups. “When the limits of freedom of expression are violated, when it comes to criminal expressions, sedition, incitement to criminal offenses that threaten people, that content should be excluded from the Internet,” said Heiko Maas, adding that social networks do not can “become a playground for the extreme right.”

The commitment provides that the agreed rule to be put into practice in 24 hours, and it is up to teams of specialists on Facebook, Google and

Twitter monitoring offensive content published in Germany, based on what determines the law of the country.

Maas and other German personalities recently criticized the Facebokk to remove immediately nude images on the pages of users, while allowing racist remarks and xenophobic remain online. Social networking defended himself stating that acts based on complaints from users about comments that incite racial hatred.


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