Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Google is trying to free you from passwords – SAPO Tek

When the user connects to a Google service on a different device, this new authentication system asks you to enter your email. Then you receive a message on the phone to confirm that those who are trying to use the service is the rightful user.

The information on the subject was published by Rohit Paul, an enterprise programmer who shared the details in blog. In response, Google has confirmed that it is even testing an alternative authentication system to that using this point and calls for a combination of email and password to verify the authenticity of anyone who tries to access one of their services.

Experiments around alternatives to traditional authentication systems are not new, nor the Google or elsewhere in the market. The subject is on the agenda and there are several companies working on alternative and in some cases to implement them.

In the case of Google in recent years have been known company’s various projects in this area . In early 2013, the company realized several experiments focused on the test authentication hardware-based alternatives. One solution, disclosed the company at the time, was a USB Pen (Yubico) with a cryptographic solution. It was never implemented. This year showed something in the same vein he called Vault Project.

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