Sunday, December 6, 2015

Ghosting: A “more cruel” way to end relationships – Digital Journal

 The ghosting is increasingly common with sites and dating applications. The situation may be familiar to many: meet someone, exchange phone numbers, go to various meetings, starts a relationship and everything seems to be going well when suddenly … silence.

The other person fails to respond to calls and text messages and without notice, disappears without explanation.

In English this is called ghosting, word derived ghost (ghost). The term has gained popularity in recent years and was elected as one of the words 2015 by Collins British dictionary.

End an evening relationship for the day, cutting all kinds of communication, it is not new . But some experts say that new technologies have made this more common practice.

At a time when many relationships begin through websites or applications, the ghosting is something increasingly common.

Experts in psychology claim that ghosting has consequences for sufferers and also for those who practice. The person who suffered the ghosting have their self esteem damaged and need to go through the difficult period of the end of a relationship without having all the answers about what led to the breakup.

What practiced ghosting, if the case of a consolidated relationship, have to deal with remorse and guilt for abandoning someone in this way.
Some blame the applications of meetings by the increase in cases of ghosting. Experts say that in some cases, those who do ghosting afraid of conflict, avoiding all confrontation forms and the fact of having to speak in person who wants to end the relationship.

In a 2014 survey held in the USA by YouGov institute for the Huffington Post, 11% of participants said they had practiced

ghosting and about 13% said to have suffered from this practice.

Elle magazine did a similar survey among its readers : they had about 26% of women and 33% of men admitted that they had been victims and has also made ghosting

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