Sunday, December 20, 2015

Flappy Bird creator launches new game promises to be new success – Portal Technology


On the


Flappy Bird was one of the games more success We had on mobile devices, despite its weak graphics. The Swing Copters 2 is a new game that promises to also succeed.

Flappy Bird was a success and went viral quickly, so successful that the creator could not stand the pressure and withdrew the set of application stores for a few days. To Google used the idea of ​​the game to make the Easter Egg Android Lollipop and Android Marshmallow.

The creator of the game released other games, such as Swing Copters that also stood out for the great difficulty play the game, but the second version of the game, released this week, you can follow the success of Flappy


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The mission is simple: fly up to the highest point, following the same style of his great success, but this time is to go up. On the way you’ll find various obstacles, such as hammers and steel bars, which make this very difficult game. In this game, you can unlock new characters or buy them

The game is completely free advertising on Android and iOS

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