Sunday, December 6, 2015

First machine to recycle paper at home comes in 2016 – Daily News – Lisbon

It’s called paperlab is the Seiko Epson and and turns waste paper into new leaves without water

Seiko Epson announced this week that you can start selling already in 2016 the first paper recycling machines for home use or office.

The equipment will be called paperlab and uses a technology that transforms paper unusable fibers; without the need for water, uses a special adhesive that will unite these same fibers, calibrating them and regulating the degree of whiteness of the new sheet. The process allows even remove the colors of the paper fibers to create a new leaf, assured a spokesman for the company to The Wall Street Journal of Japan.

The paperlab able to produce 14 sheets of recycled paper per minute, and would reduce the emission of greenhouse effect to the atmosphere, since it avoids the movement for transporting the paper to be recycled for specific installations.

Although the machine recycling has not yet price, it is known that have 2,6 meters wide, 1.8 meters high and 1.2 meters deep.

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