Sunday, December 6, 2015

Letter to Mars would cost $ 18,000 stamps, postal service says the boy –

The British postal service, Royal Mail, calculated with the help of NASA the cost of sending a letter to Mars, at the request of a boy five years. 11602.25 pounds (about 65,600 reais)

It is possible that the price exceeds the possibilities boy Oliver Giddings. In his reply to Oliver, who wants to be an astronaut, Royal Mail said, Friday (4), as did the calculation of the tariff to Mars.

“Fuel is very expensive and affect submission charts around the world, “wrote one responsible for customer service, Andrew Smout. “NASA told me that his last visit to Mars, using the vehicle Curiosity, cost about 700 million dollars.”

“The spacecraft is very small, so the storage is overloaded. Baseando- if the weight of the ship and how much it costs to go to Mars, they said to send something 100 grams cost about $ 18,000, “concluded the letter.

Oliver, who lives near Lytham St Annes, northwestern England responded to the Royal Mail to thank them for the return: “..! it is very expensive to send a letter to Mars They would lack many seals”

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