Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Germany: Internet Giants undertake to remove incitement to hatred speeches in 24 hours – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

Germany: Internet Giants undertake to remove incitement speeches hatred within 24 hours

The pressure on US companies is increase at a time up the tone of xenophobic and discriminatory speeches on the Internet, at a time when Germany deals with an abnormal flow of refugees.

Facebook, Google and Twitter agreed to delete publications inciting speeches to hatred in Germany – illegal in the country – within 24 hours, reported this Tuesday, December 15 AFP

According to the French agency. whose report was published in France 24 website, the pressure on US companies has increased in Germany after the number of racist and xenophobic publications have increased considerably on the internet.

Write to Reuters that the German Government is trying that social networks limit inciting speeches hatred at a time when the country deals with the arrival of more than a million refugees this year.

Alarmed by the growing number of publications of this nature, German Minister of Justice, Heiko Maas, warned social networking to the need to avoid becoming a “fun fair to the far right,” writes AFP.

“When the limits of freedom of expression are exceeded, when dealing with expressions criminal, provocation, incitement to driving offenses criminals who threaten the lives of people, this kind of content has to be removed from the Internet, “defended Mass, quoted by Reuters.

On Tuesday Facebook, Twitter and Google pledged to remove “readily illegal, that is, in 24:00,” the minister said, quoted by AFP, adding that “the complaints will be reviewed by a team specialists. The decision to base becomes German law, not the determinations of each social network. “Maas also said it would create a mechanism to verify that the monitoring system is working.

The companies also committed to facilitate users the denunciation of publications inciting hatred.

Enter the Associated Press (AP) that the Minister of Justice explained that this decision is not intended to limit freedom of expression, but to ensure that the German

law is applied online. Explains the agency that Germany has strict rules against incitement to hatred and discrimination result of the Nazi past of the country.

According to Reuters, Germany launched an investigation last month the European leaders of Facebook for alleged failure to remove speech of hate speech. One of the prosecution spokesman said Martin Ott, responsible European the social network, you can be personally liable, writes the agency.

A spokesman for Facebook said though and ensured that these claims are without merit and that there was no violation of German law by Facebook or its employees, says Reuters, adding that during the end-of-week, Facebook’s offices in Hamburg were vandalized.


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