ranking school back to put private education in front of the public, to an even considerable distance. The National Association of Groups and Public Schools Directors believes that these tables evaluate the quality of students taking and not the merits or the dynamics of schools. The association of private schools means, in turn, that public schools should adopt rules followed by the colleges.
The executive director of the Association of Private Education Institutions and Cooperative (AEEP), Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo, noted Lusa that, in 15 years of existence of these lists, there are schools that “steadily are on the table background “.
“Our proposal is to look carefully for those who do not leave the place. In 15 years the only similarity there is between students have attended that school. It seems to us that one can not help but look carefully at these trends and society think about how best to overcome these cycles of poverty “
If private schools have occupied on a regular basis, the top positions of the rankings, this responsible understand that justification will not necessarily be a difference in the investment budget or between private and public.
“What is missing is to look up and to the regulatory conditions of state schools and give them more like basis with the private. Perhaps missing also unsettle a little people, lest we focus on what are core labor standards, but more what is the challenge of education, “he said.
“I think the issues of leadership, have a consistent educational project, the ability to recruit and terms bodies stable teachers, this is absolutely fundamental, is an important part of success, and this does not imply more investment”
The executive director of AEEP also believes that, at a time when the examinations of the 4th grade were eliminated, not yet knowing whether they will be replaced by evidence of benchmarking, “is necessary to think. ” “If we fail to have information about what is happening in the 4th grade will return to a certain opacity. It is a major setback on the issue of transparency and data on the system and it seems that is not good. ”
It can be understood as “a sign of good school”, these rankings work, defended as a tool to assess the work done: “There is a point where we all agree, schools must teach. Data from tests allow to understand what is going on, and blame the schools. ”
Private better? “Wrong”
You Filinto Lima, the National Association of Pools and Public Schools Directors, warns that the rankings leave out the social context in which schools work, since the participation of parents, training and ability to pay explanations.
“What we see is that this assessment tool has been improved, but is still far from what would be desirable,” also recognized Lusa school official, adding that has no memory of any innovative educational measures based on this type of information.
The important thing, he said, is “the school added value to the student.” As an example, he cited a study by the University of Porto under which students who leave public education conclude more quickly higher education.
“When you look at these rankings, parents will conclude that private schools are better, wrong. This is not a ranking of schools, is a ranking of the quality of students who attend these schools. “
For Manuel Pereira, president of the National Association of School Leaders (ANDE ), schools are left with a sense of the position they are in with these tables, it is but natural that the top positions are occupied by colleges, which typically work in a more supportive context.
Similarly, understand the variations in the position achieved with a few students, either the positive or the negative.
The school official also considered that the examination in 4 years did not make “no sense” also manifesting favorable to order these tests in the 6th grade.
In general, noted that there are continuing difficulties in Portuguese, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry and Biology: “I do not see big differences.”
There is evidence that the current school rankings do not include, as happiness, harmony and welfare that schools provide students and their families. This point is underlined by the researcher Adalberto Dias de Carvalho, who argues that these indicators should exist.
The specialist in Philosophy of Education launches therefore a challenge to the scientific community to get involved in this study. “Journalists launched this matter for debate, that have merit, but can not do everything. A study that remains to be done is the consequences that these rankings have for the life of schools’ and communities, he said in an interview with Lusa, that this is the principal investigator of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto.
To Adalberto Carvalho, it would be important to know what is the perception that teachers, parents and grandparents have the performance of the school, “which is the feeling that the community own experiences.”
Philosophy of Education Office Coordinator at the institution, the investigator advocated that this one is important for democratic citizenship. In his view, the rankings should not only be the reflection of a “students training” to do exams.
“I wonder if these rankings measure what today is considered very important in terms of evolution and development of state of the countries that are the indicators happiness of the students’
The investigators found that from a political point of view tend to particularly interesting results, in that “influence the image” of political actors. “When some criticism to make the rankings, we must ask ourselves what is the scientific community to do,” he stressed.
The question, he admitted, is complex but challenging, “lacks a scientific study extended, but there are means to do so” at the level of scientific measuring instruments.
“There are indicators that nowadays assess happiness indexes hit.” Examples? Social cohesion and the school itself, the image that students have of teachers, if teachers like or admire them and how they feel inside the school.
The school has to “facilitate the integration of students in society”, and therefore can not be based only on the concept of “meritocracy” he said.
The ranking that idealizes must contain the various school dimensions, enabling households to assess “the harmony of training” that there is given.
“It is essential to go see what happens after the grades obtained in secondary exams, when I speak of happiness I also speak in life after school and achievement, both personal and collective. There are ways of training to get a good grade at the end of the secondary, the best exponents are not necessarily the best teachers “
Adalberto Carvalho has no doubt that” training to obtain a high note “in question – who will then position the schools in the rankings,” is not the best way to train a person. ” And the reader, what you think of this?
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