Saturday, December 26, 2015

Microsoft Surface Hub back to delay and raises prices – Portal Technology


The Surface Hub can be considered a giant tablet, or a TV with touchscreen, but is having difficulty reaching the market. Is again postponed and is already the 2nd time.

The Microsoft Surface Hub is a giant tablet, available in two versions, one with 55-inch Full HD resolution, and another of 84 inches with a resolution 4k, but also has several sensors, such as wi-fi, cameras, speakers, microphones, Bluetooth, NFC and the new Windows 10. A 55-inch version has the Intel Core i5 processor fourth-generation, while the 84 inch version has an Intel Core i7 fourth generation.

The Surface Hub was introduced in January this year and the coming to market was scheduled for September, and our market was included in the initial list of release. However, that date had been postponed, with new date for early 2016, but even that date was postponed, according to ZDNet. The new date points to the first quarter of 2016, however no mention dates to make it happen.

This is not the only novelty, as well as price changes. Current prices have been increased in two thousand dollars each, i.e. 55 inch version cost $ 6,999, while the 84-inch version cost $ 19,999. However, Microsoft announced an increase of two thousand dollars each, this means that now cost $ 8,999 and $

21,999, respectively.

It was nominated European values, but let’s assume that the increase will be two thousand euros, so instead of € 7,999 and € 22,899, will be € 8,999 and € 24,899. Certain is that customers who have already made the pre-booking will not have increased the price, and this increase reflects only the buyers from now

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