Monday, December 14, 2015

Deco teaches young Internet users to respect copyright – publico





“I want to use images from the Internet on my site, I can do it?” ‘When we download Net songs are committing an illegality? “are some questions from young people that Deco to clarify a conference on the importance of rights author.

“To be creative and to respect copyright” is the theme that will be discussed at the NETtalks conference, held on Tuesday in the High School D. Dinis, in Lisbon, marking the close of the third edition of SITESTAR.PT Contest.

This contest has challenged young people to create websites on their projects and activities in the areas of science, social inclusion, arts and sport, promoting digital literacy and respect for copyright.

The schools were also invited to promote their digital newspapers as part of this competition, which in the previous two editions included the listing of more than 400 teams, with the direct involvement of 1,035 students and 169 professore, having been created and developed 107 ‘websites’.

“It’s a support what we are doing for young people to have better skills in the digital world, but found -In with a difficulty, which is a lack of knowledge of the newest on copyright, which leads them to use images, content, so that is no longer correct or disregard for authors, “he told Lusa agency coordinator Project Deco, Fernanda Santos.

Because of this difficulty, the Deco promoted this debate to answer questions of young Internet users, such as “If we put a text other students on our site are copying content or defraud copyright? “

What we want is that young people as consumers and as creators are creative and respectful of copyright,” said the coordinator of the project, stressing that this is a topic that is ” very close to the young. “

He reminded, in this regard, a study by Deco last year, which revealed that, out of 2,500 young people surveyed, about 90% navigate every day on the Internet and of these 40% navigates two hours and 10% eight hours.

Despite the youth being “very experienced” in

the use of technology and access to information, “lack the life experience to know how to recognize some risks or certain situations that may be more dangerous in their daily lives, such as the ciberbullyng reaching social networks a completely different dimension, “said Fernanda Santos.

At the conferences, which include the participation of about 200 students, young people begin to realize that, after all, the internet that “is so accessible and gives so many opportunities have rules and they have them to know better,” he said.

The conference will be attended Luis Botelho, the General Inspection of Cultural Activities, Pedro Marques, the Safer Internet Centre, and John Torres, the ICT Competence Center of the School of Education of Setúbal Polytechnic Institute.



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