Saturday, August 15, 2015

Strike in the SEF had superior adhesion to 87%, says union – Digital Journal

The strike by employees of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) recorded the last two days superior adhesion to 87% and forced the closure of service stations in Lisbon , Porto and Coimbra, today released the union.

“The SINSEF (Union of Workers SEF) consider strike a resounding success in terms of membership. With this participation in these two days of unprecedented fighting the Service is well demonstrated the almost unanimous dissatisfaction with the working conditions of employees of the SEF, “says a statement released today.

In the document, the president of SINSEF, Manuela Nice, points out that” in the workers’ struggle of base SEF are not only wage increases but better conditions and greater dignity of non-police careers. “

” The main claim relates to the reactivation of Career Support the Surveillance and Research, extinct in 2008, and which put the SEF in the situation of being the only security service with a component of about 50% of non-police activities without a specific and special career covering these employees, “he added.

The union also highlights the “absurd situation of the Organic Law of service make mention of a now defunct career and just contemplate the career of police forum for employees, leaving out out all other workers.”

These same officials SEF have already entering the Ombudsman of a request for unconstitutionality of the Organic Law, pending decision.

With this strike, the workers say they intend to “make the most effective SEF, a particularly demanding time by granting return of so-called Visa Gold and higher pressure applications for asylum due to the increase of migration flows across Europe. “

” The SINSEF now expects the direction of the SEF and the tutelage have now realized the strength of these elements and ultimately deem answers to the just demands of these workers “, concludes

Digital Diary with Lusa

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