The first super-moon of the year takes place on Saturday, when the Earth’s natural satellite in Full Moon phase, looks bigger than usual when you are near the horizon.
The super moon phenomenon happens almost every year, even more than once, and encompasses the occurrence of full moon and perigee, the point of the Moon’s orbit closer to Earth. Now every month for full moon and every month there is a time when the moon in its orbit around the Earth reaches the point closer to our planet. When these two phenomena arise in relatively near future – or, as they say astronomers, when “the difference between the moments of full moon and perigee is less than one day and eight hours” – we have a super moon.
In 2015, there will be two more super-Moon, on 28 September and 27 October, reports the Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon (OAL) in your site .
super-moon “favorable” to watch will be September 28, wherein the difference between the instants of perigee and full moon will be shorter, only 66 minutes, still indicates the OAL.
Due to the change of distance between the Moon and the Earth at perigee, “not all super-Moon have the same apparent brightness and size,” says the OAL. The super moon Saturday, the distance between the Moon and the Earth at perigee
The best time to observe the super moon is when the moon is near the horizon, “at the time of his birth, as one occurs extra effect of expansion, “says the OAL. But still the caveat OAL, increasing the size of the moon on the horizon is an optical illusion “produced for reasons still not fully understood by astronomers and psychologists.”
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