Sunday, August 30, 2015

More than 400 operational fought 79 fires up to 17 – RTP

 According to the same data, published in the website, to combat the fires were also involved 102 terrestrial means 12 and air assets.

 Of the 79 occurrences, at 17:35 they were eight ongoing.

 The Civil Protection only highlights on your page events with more than three hours since its inception and with over 15 operating.

 At 17:35, the fire that mobilized more operational and media raged in the town of hoists, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Braganca District.

 Starting at 10:19, the fire in a bush area mobilized a total of 72 operations, including 64 firefighters, and 22 terrestrial means. The fire, with an active front, had the support of a heavy helicopter and two heavy aircraft.

 The Civil Protection also highlighted a fire, also in a bush area in Valdigem, in the county of Lamego, Viseu district.

 The fire, with an active front, began at 14:34, and mobilized this afternoon a total of 63 operations, including 58 firefighters, 18 terrestrial means and an air medium (heavy helicopter).

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