Sunday, August 23, 2015

Nearly 400 operational watch flames in Sabugal – TVI24

The tragic fire Sabugal that on Saturday caused a dead, a man failed to escape in time of a cane field, was dominated on Sunday, about 24 hours after to have rekindled, reports the National Civil Protection Authority, the last update of 10:50.

However, it remains at 12:45 in fighting flames in Sortelha 378 operating, supported by 128 land vehicles and five aircraft.

This fire, which came to have two active fronts and rekindled on Saturday morning, began during the early hours of Saturday.

also dominated, this time in the Vila Real district, there is the fire in Possacos, Valpaços municipality, which was fought by 90 operational, backed by 28 vehicles and a helicopter.

In Santa Eugenia, in Alijó municipality, Vila Real district, the fire began at 13:13 Saturday still in the combat phase, with the presence of 170 operational, assisted by 53 vehicles and five air assets.

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