Monday, August 24, 2015

Was born the “Bank CTT” – TSF Online

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 else if (validateForm (email))
 $ .ajax ({
 type: “POST”
 cache: false,
 async: true,
 dataType: “json”
 timeout: 5000,
 url: “/common/services/service_newsletter.aspx?email=” + escape (email.value)
 success: function (data) {
 var = json_string JSON.stringify (data);
 if (json_string.indexOf (“addSubscriber”) & gt; -1)
 if (data.Egoi_Api.addSubscriber.status == “success”)
 $ (“#divResponse”) Html (“Thank you for your registration
You will receive an email with instructions to complete the subscription.”). Show ()..; $ (“#legal”) Hide ().; $ (“.divEmail”) Hide ().; $ (“#a_submit”) Hide ().; $ (“#messages”) Hide ().; } Else {$ (“#messages”) html (data.Egoi_Api.addSubscriber.ERROR) .show (.); }} Else {if (data.Egoi_Api.editSubscriber.status == “success”) {$ (“#divResponse”). Html (“Thank you for your registration. You will receive an email with instructions to complete the subscription.”) .show (); $ (“#legal”) Hide ().; $ (“.divEmail”) Hide ().; $ (“#a_submit”) Hide ().; $ (“#messages”) Hide ().; } Else {$ (“#messages”) html (data.Egoi_Api.editSubscriber.ERROR) .show (.); }}}, Error: function (data) {}}); }} Else {$ (“#messages”) html (“Please enter the email.”) Show ()..; }} Function validateForm (e) {var x = email.value; var ATPOS = x.indexOf (‘@’); dotpos x.lastIndexOf var = (“.”); if (ATPOS = x.length) {$ (“#messages”) html (“The entered email is not valid.”) show ()..; email.value = “”; email.focus (); (); return false; } Else return true; }


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