Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Download for free the Accessibility program used by Stephen Hawking –

Intel has offered, since Tuesday (18), the software that produced for the famous scientist Stephen Hawking could communicate Voice with computers. Available for Windows , the resource can be downloaded for free by ordinary users as well as developers, who gained access to the kit, which is now open source. To use, you need only have a webcam.

Five technologies to help people with visual impairments

ACAT Call (Assistive Context-Aware Toolkit) the platform aims to make computers more accessible to people with disabilities. With the released code, developers can create various alternatives and extensions to the Intel system.

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“The goal of making this open source project is to allow solutions to be created with ease. Years to work it. Our vision is to make any developer or researcher build on top of that without reinventing the wheel for this, “said Lama Nachman, program leader.

For cases of people with disabilities Similar to Hawking that has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the software identifies visual commands to issue orders to the machine. In the case of physical, it tracks the movements of the cheek. But there is still plenty to be worked.

The Intel sent detailed

manuals on how to use the code and software. Teams are testing it in several patients and will partner with universities to popularize systems.

Via Wired


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