Saturday, August 29, 2015

Armed Forces salute maintenance of the GNR status – publico



No changes GNR Statute was well greeted in the military after the heads have communicated its concern to the changes claimed by the Professional Association of the Guard. This communication has been through multiple channels, including investigations of the Military House of the Presidency and the very definition of the solution of the Cabinet. The bill approved yesterday at the meeting of the Government was analyzed by all ministries – Interior, Finance and Defence. In fact, the Minister of Internal Affairs admitted after the Council of Ministers that “the Statute of the GNR shalt matters that also interest to the armed forces.”


                          In this regard, the Ministry of Defence was sensitive to the positions of military leadership, whose arguments lie in the nature of a military force of GNR. Thus, any change, say the leaders of the Army, would create a status other than officers and sergeants of the National Guard against its fellow of the Armed Forces. When both are trained in military academies, in the courses of the Institute of Military Studies. In this regard, the Minister of the Presidency, Luis Marques Guedes, recognized this link by providing in yesterday’s press conference, be necessary to articulate the status of GNR with the Military Status of Armed Forces, recently revised.

In this way, the Government itself decided on the harmonization of the rules governing the movement to and on the reform of the Guard’s military with the rules applicable in the military. Thus, he needed the holder of Internal Affairs folder, the military of the GNR who met the conditions of the reserves and reform the December 31, 2005 to do so without reducing retirement.


terms of national defense, the strategic concept reservation to the National Guard the function of a second line, then the armed forces. To this end, that body is equipped with heavy vehicles, has a representation around the country – which does not happen with the PSP – and boasts of a military chain of command which provides you an adequate response in a crisis situation. These are the arguments in favor of maintaining the military character of the GNR, which also occurs in similar bodies abroad: the Guardia Civil in Spain, the Italian Carabinieri and the Gendarmerie in France.



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