Monday, August 17, 2015

GNR arrested by colleagues after stealing 30,000 euros on fuel – Porto Canal

A Military Guard GNR “stole” petrol and diesel worth 30,000 euros, using the institution’s credit card. The military was sentenced to three years probation, who advances the news is the Journal i.

It has been proven that the military stored large amounts of fuel in containers, keeping them at home and in the car.

GNR chose containers assigned to damaged patrol cars and drove to the uniformed gas station, performing daily supplies worth more than 50 euros.

After supply the own car, took the opportunity to make reservations drums guarding at home and in the car.

GNR supplied 21,000 liters of fuel between 2010 and 2011, the value of which amounted to a total of 30,219 euros, supported by the GNR.

military was caught in the act and arrested by their own colleagues, and sentenced to three years’ probation and being subject to disciplinary proceedings of GNR , where he was also expelled.

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