Thursday, August 20, 2015

Rollover autotanque. A fireman out of danger. The other has prognosis “extremely reserved” – Expresso

We are living through times of unrest in the Fire Department of Carcavelos and Sao Domingos de Rana, in the municipality of Cascais. A corporate element is in critical condition at the Hospital São Francisco Xavier in Lisbon.

The call to fight a fire in the bush zone Talaíde ultimately result in an accident with one of the two cars sent to the place. A VTTU. – Tactical Tank Vehicle Urban, who followed with two firefighters [maximum capacity of this type of vehicle] would eventually overturn at about 16:10 between the Conceição Abóboda and Talaíde, for unknown reasons

Both suffered serious injuries and are hospitalized. “One of the firefighters is out of danger. The other has an extremely poor prognosis. It is very critical,” says the Express commander Paulo Santos, visibly shaken, a clarification made about 23h.

Do not be checked such a serious accident this corporation since the 90s, according to a source in the same corporation.

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