Friday, August 21, 2015

Child dies in collision between car and train – Journal News

The child followed with grandparents in the car. The driver does not have realized that cancels was down and just go into the wall. The train struck the car at the back, where the girl was sitting.

The grandfather of the child, man aged 70, who suffered a trauma to the chest, is receiving psychological support. His wife, 69, has head injuries, but “is conscious and oriented.”

The wounded were transported to the hospital in Torres Vedras and Santa Maria in Lisbon. The INEM shifted the site a helicopter and the Medical Car Emergency and Resuscitation (VMER) the hospital of Torres Vedras.

According to a source from the Civil Protection Lisbon, the accident occurred at 10:21 pm this Friday.

The Fire of Torres Vedras were mobilized for the relief operation and the GNR scrutinizes the causes of the accident

The CP -. Train Portugal reported that the line was interrupted for 55 minutes .

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