Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Firefighter in critical condition after rollover autotanque – Daily News – Lisbon

One of the injured firefighters seriously this afternoon as a result of the rollover of a autotanque of fire Carcavelos and Sao Domingos de Rana, Cascais, is “more critical situation,” said Lusa commander corporation.

According to Paulo Santos, the two autotanque occupants that overturned on the road between Vault and Talaíde are aged “in the 30s” and, after being watched and evaluated on site, were transported to the Hospital San Francisco Xavier in Lisbon.

The two volunteers were injured in severity, but one is “in most critical situation” than the other, said the commander. Hours later, the same official said that “one is already out of danger, the other remains in critical condition”

The accident occurred at around 16:40, when the car, which was still in running emergency, crashed in a ditch on the side of the road linking the towns of Abóboda and Talaíde.

According to a source from the District Centre of Relief Operations (CDOS) of Lisbon, “a tank vehicle” of Carcavelos corporation and São Domingos de Rana flipped when followed for a fire in a bush area in Talaíde, which flared to 14:04, but still far from landfill Trajouce.

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