Friday, August 28, 2015

GNR threatens to boycott PSD-CDS campaign with protests – publico





The campaign of shares of Portugal coalition Toe, PSD and CDS, will need to receive unexpected company: the military GNR unhappy with the rejection of the status of that militarized police force. The guards promise to be attentive to where the two parties that support the government will carry out street actions in September to marvel at the posters and slogans.


                          The Council of Ministers approved on Thursday the professional status of PSP, but deferred to the next legislature the GNR. The president of the Association of Professional Guard (APG), César Nogueira, said the protests of the guards will mark the day-to-day political caravans of the coalition parties “responsible for the Government misled the military Guard”.

The guards “will not riot, but appear most likely with placards to show discontent,” anticipates association leader. After all, he notes, “GNR of the military are also citizens and also vote”. The APG, whose management meets on Friday to make a final decision on organizing these events should also promote national protests “in front of the Parliament and in front of the official residence of the Prime Minister”.

The postponement of changes in GNR provoked a general discontent in the 22,000 elements that constitute that police across the country. “There were hours and hours of negotiations with the Minister of Internal Affairs, often without food,” says the union leader José Alho, the Socio-Professional Association of Independent Guard. “When asked whether the statute would even be approved, he answered us that only had one word. We were deceived, and humiliation is even greater for having approved the PSP’s status. The GNR has always been the ugly duckling of the security forces. From now on we will attack on all fronts. “

Among the most important points of this statute, the president of APG highlights the adoption of a timetable. “The GNR is the only European police force that has no time, while its military always in service if the commanders want,” he says. The degree which never saw the light of day also includes the clarification of issues such as the reserves and reform.

“This government succumbed to external pressures that were felt. Succumbed to military lobby which the army generals made through the Ministry of Defense and the President of the Military House of the Republic against the approval of the statute, “also accuses César Nogueira.

At issue is the fact that the draft status provide that officers under general patent armed forces leave the GNR 2017.

“the autonomy of GNR against the Army

would be guaranteed. The GNR under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but through the 11 army generals who run the top structures of the GNR, also depends on the Ministry of Defence. They are strategists who manage the GNR not as a policeman, but as an army which has 22,000 men and that in practice only have eight thousand operations to ensure the safety of persons. Most are in administrative offices and to perform many shoemakers function “, criticizes the same leader. The review of the status of GNR’s military was a promise of this government, since the time when Miguel Macedo was a minister, but according to Anabela Rodrigues Minister there were no conditions to approve the law.

“There are materials in the new GNR’s status that also interest to the armed forces, “he argued, is excusing to comment on alleged pressure from the generals of the armed forces in the negotiation process of these new statutes. Hesitantly, and after the journalists have insisted the matter, the minister recognized that emerged “difficulties could not be overcome during the legislative process,” without ever explaining what.

The Minister of the Presidency, Marques Guedes confirmed that lack articulate the new status of GNR with the approved earlier this year for armed forces personnel. And he insisted on an idea:. Unlike the PSP, which is a civil force, the GNR is “subject to military condition”

To the military of the GNR remains as a consolation one yesterday approved legislation that gives them the same rights in the reserves and the reform that colleagues of the armed forces, thus ending a situation that the very unfairly nicknamed government. But that did not abated:. “They gave us a candy,” said César Nogueira




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