Saturday, August 15, 2015

PSP unions meet urgent to decide protest actions – Daily News – Lisbon

Fours union structures of PSP emergency will meet on Tuesday to decide the protest actions they will take to contest the rejection of their employment status, officials said.

The meeting will be attended by the leaders of the Trade Union Association of Police Professionals (ASPP / PSP), Union of Police Professionals (SPP), Independent Trade Union of Police Officers (SIAP) and the Vertical Union of the Police Career (SVCP) the four structures that signed the memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) during the negotiations of the professional status of the Public Security Police.

In a statement, the SPP stated that the meeting is to evaluate the reasons that the status has not yet been approved by the Cabinet and decide what forms of protest.

Last Thursday, after the Council of Ministers have not approved the statute professional, the two largest unions PSP (ASPP and SPP) announced that they will perform various protest actions to challenge their non-approval by the Government.

The president of the ASPP, Paulo Rodrigues, advanced to the Lusa agency the actions of struggle will be prolonged in time, with the completion of several protests, including during the election campaign.


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