Rafael Sbarai
Luize Altenhofen, with two other dogs of the breed: Ring, target of complaints, was attacked and hit with an iron bar on the head (Antonio Milena)
Judge Rodrigues Régis Bonvicino, the 1st Civil Court of São Paulo, ruled on Wednesday that Facebook remove the air within 48 hours, texts deemed offensive to a user otherwise the network be removed from the air Brazil. Facebook said on Thursday through its press, which “has a policy to comply with court orders blocking content it has the specification of content deemed illegal.” In practice, this means that the material would only air the Justice inform that the link is content considered offensive – which would not have occurred so far. The company did not now appealed the decision.
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The episode began in January, when TV presenter Luize Altenhofen said on Twitter and Facebook profiles in your dog beaten out by the dentist gondim Junior. Reporting by SEE São Paulo published that month told the story. In version gondim Junior Dog Luize invaded your home and to defend himself, he attacked the animal; Luiza said the attack had occurred for no apparent reason. In April, the dentist triggered the presenter in court accusing her of causing “irreparable harm.”
In the order on Wednesday, the judge said that Facebook failed to fulfill earlier order to remove the contents, dated April 8. Two months later, the judge reiterated the determination, but the company ensured that he was unable to perform the action for failing to manage the infrastructure of the site – under the control of the company in the United States and Ireland.
According to the documents present on the website of the Court of Justice of São Paulo, Bonvicino considered the attitude of the company an ‘affront’ to national sovereignty. “By disobeying a court order, (the company) is an affront to the legal system of an entire country. Facebook is not a sovereign superior to Brazil,” he says.
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