Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Government will create social support program for school students ... - Business Journal - Portugal

intended to help students with financial difficulties. © MINISTA River Educaà § à £ o ¡is still equate change the rules of access to grants Acoustic § à £ o social.

The Ministry of Education and Science will create a program to combat school dropout in higher education, which will allow even call students who have left the university for financial reasons.

“The model that we seek to draw is within the Youth Guarantee, so there specific funds to support students who have interrupted their studies,” said Secretary of State for Higher Education, José Ferreira Gomes at the end of a meeting with representatives of associations of university students.

Besides fetching those who have already left the school, the program also aims to help those who are thinking of leaving school, said the official, adding that the program is being designed and created to be a line-repayable to support students at risk.

The announcement was welcomed by representatives of the academic associations still waiting for the implementation of the measures. Recalling that,

in the last ten years, nearly half a million students have left higher education, the president of the Academic Federation of Porto, Ruben Alves, explained that the program should work with community funds.

After the appeals made by students at the September meeting (download limit from which students are entitled to student social and ending as they came to take the bags to those who were familiar with back tax or social security ), the Secretary of State, José Ferreira Gomes said that the ministry is considering the issue of contributory and tax debts.


Ferreira Gomes, “walk between 0.1 and 1%” the percentage of students without scholarship, following contributory or tax debts.

Now that is already known to bill the State Budget for 2014, the Secretary of State said that “there was no reduction of funds for social action in recent years and there will not be.” What leads to the conclusion that the cut of 80.5 million in “higher education and social action” next year, will only fall on higher education.

Having regard to the three phases of access, were placed this year 41,481 students in institutions of higher education, 2,595 less than 44,436 made in 2012.

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