Thursday, October 24, 2013

Facebook in trouble across the globe - News Journal


uses regularly the largest social network on the planet, j may have noticed that Facebook est with some problems on Monday.

Est trying to post something on your Facebook without success? Want to put a “like” a publication from a friend can eno? Rest the problem in his: the most famous social network in the world is even with problems on Monday.

week Facebook could not have begun worse, many problems

appear in the “feeds” of millions of users around the globe. Among the problems already detected anomalies in Esto publication of contents and problems in response to the placement of comments and “likes” on epginas publications.

serviono est totally down and goes running to the “sobbing”. Most times, however, when a user attempts to perform some task in the social network, it appears a message saying that there was a problem and we will have to try again.

social network already known to have, time and again, some problems, but this seems to be an anomaly global scale. According to the service “DownRightNow”, quoted by Mashable, the site might be experiencing a ‘disrupo of service. “

Facebook yet commented on the phenomenon that, judging by what usually happens, must cease in a few hours. In the meantime, can always turn to other social networks like Twitter, Google+ and Instagram.

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