Proposal basic law of the land has already been approved in the Council of Ministers and the Assembly is to get the green light
Mad Money
The draft Law on Political Soil presented Wednesday afternoon by the Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy, Jorge Moreira da Silva, plans to make changes to the plans of the entire urban population and all professionals must follow if they want to work, whether new construction or rehabilitation.
Government wants to end prior to licensing works. But there are limits. Read here
According to the minister, the proposal contained ten amendments most relevant to their main objective reduce bureaucracy, streamline procedures and investment and further boost urban regeneration.
Chambers may resort to forced sales and leasing
“When building is at risk of ruin because individuals are not meeting the obligations must act and in this case, if the maintenance is not adequate, then there is the possibility of selling or arrendamneto forced by the municipality, “said Moreira da Silva.
The minister will act as a kind of expropriation and may also be applied to rustic soils that are not being used or cultivated.
“This law gives a good answer to the problems of funding that municipalities often have to invest in maintenance of buildings and from now may resort to forced sale,” he added.
End of prior licenses:
If you want to do new construction or rehabilitation just warn that local authorities will do the work because they no longer need to apply for authorization. However, this is only valid if there is already a plan of subdivision that has already set everything you can do in that area.
PDM integrates all plans
Master Plan (PDM) for each city will have to integrate all types of urban plans that exist. The cameras will have three years to do this work and failure to do so will be penalized.
“It is not acceptable for a PDM takes ten years to be revised,” said the minister.
Disappears figure of “developable land” In
soil classification now exist only soils rustic (rural) and urban soils and disappear “plots”.
“is the eradication of developable land that will do more in urban regeneration,” said Moreira da Silva.
type of land use can only be changed if the project has economic viability
Spending a rustic land for urban land requires a construction project or renovation, and a license to approve such project, ie, to authorize the work with a certain configuration, number of floors, volumes, etc. ..
far enough that the project be approved and architecturally cool, but with the new law it will only be approved and soil just passes from rustic to urban if the project in question has financial viability, ie, there is a potential recipe for the planned investment.
is avoided, so that some land just stand because prosecutors can not develop impeding others from doing so.
Furthermore, the minister said, “the risk of speculation and to create situations of capital gains will be mitigated with these measures, because if a subdivision is approved only if there is viability its value will be more fitting. “
The Minister for Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy Jorge Moreira da Silva, presented on Wednesday, the proposed new law
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