Thursday, October 17, 2013

Facebook changes privacy settings for teens - Mad Money

users between 13 and 17 years will now be able to share things publicly

Kids Facebook class=”txt11 black arial”> Teens have fewer restrictions

10.17.2013 | 15:14 | Mad Money


teenagers between 13 and 17 years are going to be able to share what they like with friends on Facebook and to publish posts publicly. It is an amendment to the privacy policy that the social network had so far for this age group, considered more sensitive.

“Teenagers are among the most knowledgeable people in the use

of social networks, and civic involvement in either activism, or your opinion on a new film, they want to be heard,” Facebook wrote in its official blog.

“So starting today, people between 13 and 17 will also have the option to share posts publicly on Facebook.”

social network recognizes that “only a fraction” of teens will choose to publish posts for everyone to see, but believes that this new “gives them the chance to share more broadly, as in other social networks . “

This is the key: Facebook needs to attract more teens that other networks have no restrictions, and may well nod more data available to advertisers. Another novelty in this context is that teens may trigger the option to be “Followed”, which gives access only to publications defined as public.

Still, this survey was that the restriction is counterbalanced by a strengthening of the protection by default when the teen opens your Facebook account.

“Until now, for people between 13 and 17 years, the initial hearing of the first posts on Facebook had the setting” Friends of Friends “default – with the option to be changed,” explains the company.


“From now on, when people between 13 and 17 years o open a Facebook account, the initial hearing your first post will be more restricted set to” Friends. “

“We take safety very seriously teenagers, so they will read an extra reminder before they can share publicly.” Ie, when the teen audience choose “Public” will see a warning that everyone can see that publication.

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