Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Google buys company to improve performance of Android -

For business

U.S. company will pay $ 23.1 million, equivalent to 16.9 million euros, which is to be advanced by the international press.

The technology FlexyCore help enhance the Android platform, the world leader in the world of mobile operating systems. This fact is already the goal of the company’s most famous product, the DroidBooster, which can improve the performance of devices that run Android, increasing battery life and making them up to 10 times faster.

These characteristics may
be especially relevant in cheaper equipment with more modest hardware features that can be “stretched” with the help of the solution.

In confirmation of the deal, Google explained that the deal was motivated by skills FlexyCore in the development of software that allows you to optimize the performance of devices with Android.

The company also revealed that the business has been prepared over the last year, having been closed in the month of September and since then, has been made the integration team French startup. The integration process was completed however.

Written under the new Orthographic Agreement

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