Monday, October 21, 2013

Having trouble on Facebook? Know what is going on -

Facebook is presenting problems for multiple users. In some cases it is not possible to share content from other people or you can like these contents. Netizens are also having difficulty updating the state’s own profile.

“The message could not be published in this wall” or “There was a problem updating your status. Try again in a few minutes, “are two of the messages that are displayed when the actions are not completed. Failures are to feel the computer version and the mobile version.


The problem is affecting several locations besides Portugal, like Brazil and the U.S.. On the social network Twitter are several users of different countries that are reporting the problem through hashtag # facebookdown. The site also proves problems.

Facebook Down

According to Mashable’s social network Mark Zuckerberg may be experiencing issues with the servers.

Written under the new Orthographic Agreement

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