‘s a strange world, the Facebook. A world where you can not show the image of a woman’s breast, but if you allow the publication of videos of people being beheaded.
Administration of this American company with over one billion users worldwide decided this week, back to allow publication of images and films of beheadings. In May, and after thousands of protests – one of the Family Online Safety Institute, which has representation in the administration of Facebook – the company decided to suspend “temporarily” publications, to make a decision.
suspension, said Facebook in a statement at the time, happened to protect the freedom of users of this social network did not want to see that kind of pictures or run the risk of being disturbed by them. Now the same argument is used: the beheadings back to Facebook on behalf of the freedom of users who want to “know the world in which they live” and be able to condemn what displeases them.
In 2012, when Facebook updated its publication rules, insisting that can not be shown pictures of breasts in women but can be published in films you see the legs be broken and the bones out, the specialist British newspaper The Guardian Charles Arthur wrote that the rules clearly show that Facebook is (and could only be) a company originating in the United States.
was in the United States that a television station, CBS had to apologize because public, in a live broadcast of the championship football if I saw Janet Jackson’s nipple. Five hundred thousand people complained and the Federal Communication Commision (committee for communications) fined CBS $ 550,000 (about 450,000 euros), which have not been paid only after the matter was brought to the Supreme Court, which ruled in favor the station.
An American company
Only in America, then you realize that there is a global social network where it is forbidden to show people drunk (or passed out from alcohol abuse), but is allowed to publish videos of bloody car crashes.
“We are working to provide users with mechanisms to control the content they want to see,” he told BBC spokesman of Facebook whose name is not revealed. He added that soon may arise banners to warn that the images are sensitive and can cause
The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, called the decision one of the Facebook “irresponsible”. And we expect a similar controversy that led to the suspension of the publication of the videos with this type of content – the source of complaints was a film in which a woman, believed to Mexican, is decapitated by a man with face covered.
“This is absolutely horrible and must be deleted immediately … There are lots of new people who can see it. I’m 23 and I’m disturbed by the few seconds I saw,” said one of the complaints. Facebook only allows users with 13 or more years, but there are many thousands who are younger.
users from around the world will react, some in favor and others against, which once again demonstrates the flaws of using the law of a country in a service that is used worldwide.
Many parents associations will condemn Facebook, which came in the bag in 2012 (action, value considered too high, $ 38, have plummeted in the first year, but are now almost at $ 60) and whose provision in markets has never been affected by the controversy. The associations of psychologists have rejected the decision makers and Americans spoke of rules of good taste and good sense: “It only takes a few seconds of exposure to this type of graphic material to stay with permanent psychological damage,” epitomized the Yellow Ribbon organization, Northern Ireland.
decision power of Facebook
Across the spectrum of the protest, there are also already drives. In the U.S., some groups have said they are concerned about the possibility that Facebook could partially block images, which they consider to be a violation of freedom of expression – argue that the responsibility for the exposure of minors to Internet content is the parents and not the companies .
Others, like the French digital rights group La Quadrature, stressed that the problem that videos of beheaded – and other regulations of Facebook – raises is more comprehensive. “It shows the power that Facebook has to decide what can and what can not be expressed in the network. When making these choices, is being profoundly undemocratic, whatever the reason for the decision. Only a judicial authority can determine restrictions, and always in accordance with the law, “he told BBC co-founder of La Quadrature, Jeremie Zimmermann.
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