In an exclusive interview, the president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, Jim Ryan, says he expects large numbers in Portugal
Since it was known that the PlayStation 4 will be the only new console to hit the market before Christmas Portuguese, Pre-reservations have skyrocketed. The console of Sony goes to the shops on 29 November and has already secured a number of sales, able to come running out of stock.
‘s a race to the machine that has been in the pipeline for seven years. And it is not a surprise, although this market is falling: is that Portugal remains one of the countries where Sony has the largest market share in the world. That’s why the president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, Jim Ryan, made a great effort to make the panel came to Portugal on the same day of release in major European markets such as the UK and Germany. Microsoft will do the same with the Xbox One
Ryan, who gave an exclusive interview to Mad Money at the end of a day well attended in Madrid, knows the Portuguese market. “I can not remember any other market where we have a larger share. We have two-thirds of the Portuguese market, between all formats. “On the table are all iterations of the PlayStation since 2000. “I did a lot of strength for Portugal was on the list of countries receiving first console. Let’s have a good launch and sales numbers will be great. “Ryan is doing a round of presentations in Europe and was very confident with sales in Portugal.
“The news that our competitors will not launch before Christmas was a surprise and changed some dynamics, demand suddenly changed.” It was learned last month that the Xbox One will only get to Portugal in spring of 2014. As for the other competitor of Sony, Nintendo, has launched its Wii U console in November of last year, but Ryan does not seem to regard it as direct competition.
Wii continues to connote more casual games, less complex hardware to another level. “Some people have been seduced by a brilliant marketing from Nintendo. Wii tried once or twice, there was no continuity in the relationship between these players and the console “believes. These people today are perhaps aimed more at casual games on other platforms, and Sony will try to seduce them, although it is clear that the Wii U and PS4 have different targets.
surprise price
One mistake that Sony has not returned to commit was the price: PlayStation 4 will cost 399 euros. Are less than 100 euros Xbox One, and much less than the market thought. The president of Sony confesses that learned their lesson with the PlayStation 3, which hit the market costing 599 euros and had a disastrous first round, did the Japanese lose too much money.
“We made some blunders last time and there are a lot of things we did differently now.” The first was that the system began to be designed having already seen the need for a more reasonable price. “The economy in Portugal is somewhat difficult, and these 200 euros can mean the difference between people having money to buy a console or do not have,” explains Ryan.
In his meetings in Tokyo Dome with Sony in the early development of the PlayStation 4, responsible for European hit up for a low price. “My emphasis in this discussion was that we had to put the correct price, aggressive. All design decisions were made with this in mind. “The market responded roaring: only until August, PS4 already had a million pre-orders. Largest video game trade
Great Expectations
The plan is to sell 5 million between the PlayStation 4 launch in November and the end of its fiscal year, March 31, 2014 (more than 3.6 million PS3s sold in the same period in 2007). It is a bold number at the moment we are experiencing in the industry. Last year, sales of consoles and games fell 22%, according to NPD Group. It was not just the global crisis that ended the profitability of the sector, was also competition from games on tablets and smartphones and the gaming phenomenon in social networks.
Therefore, Sony will try to incorporate the phenomenon of social networking gaming experience of PlayStation 4. The new dual shock controller brings a button ‘share’ that, when pressed, sharing a social network to choose the last 15 minutes. “People spend an incredible amount of time to see game videos on YouTube. It’s unbelievable. You would not believe. “Ryan shrugs and takes off his glasses, which will putting in the face when you have to show a detail of the console. “It’s a little weird to describe, but that’s the way people interact today. We want to integrate it into the basic experience of the game. “It is a certain appeal to show off the players, who want to show their friends what they do.
“The gaming experience will be faster, more reliable and tried to approach the global phenomenon of social interactivity.” Another novelty is that to play online with multiple players, consumers will have to pay about 5 euros per month or 50 euros per year. This functionality is integrated in the PlayStation Plus subscription service and also entitles you to free games for all PlayStation platforms that the player has at home. With the PS4 will come 34 new games to market, with a dozen exclusive to the console. Some of the titles are Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Shadow Fall Killzone, Madden NFL 25, Minecraft, NBA 2k14 and Need for Speed: Rivals. What also is good news for retailers, who suffered a fall in volumes and profitability in recent years. “The arrival of the PS4 will give a big boost to the entire industry – will give a big boost to our business in Portugal, a push to retailers and will appeal to Portuguese consumers.”
Sony has two-thirds of the Portuguese market and will be the only brand to launch a new console in the holiday season
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