Friday, October 18, 2013

Study: Come to think too much on what should not? Get more sleep - EN Official

sleep 1600 A study published in the prestigious journal Science shows that sleep helps to clear the ‘impurities’ Day present in our brain. Cleaning can also help prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s.

“Go to sleep that your sleep is bad”, those who have never heard it from a friend?

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Well, from now on, whenever one of their floor to overthink what should not, advise them to do just that – sleep.

A study published in the American journal ‘Science’ reveals that sleeping well helps

clear the ‘impurities’ of the day in our brain.

The explanation is simple, and in fact seems logical. During sleep the brain are activated in a set of processes that only occur during this state. These same processes act more quickly and effectively while you sleep, helping to clean faster residues present in the blood.

Analogously, it is like taking the car to inspection for changing oil and filters, in which case the car is your brain.

“The restorative nature of sleep results in the elimination of these wastes produced by neuronal activity that builds up during wakefulness, and the integrated mechanism in the blood system drives the cerebrospinal fluid through the tissues and returns purified,” explains Dr . Maiken Nedergaard of the University of Rochester (USA).

Dr. Maiken still gives a good example of the fact that the brain clean better during sleep: “We are always limited at our disposal. We can make a party fun and friends, and then we clean the house, but we can not do both at the same time, “he adds.


prevention This
study published in ‘Science’ also highlights another effect of a good sleep. The same can aid in the prevention of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s, as they arise by the accumulation of waste in brain cells.

all this plus, of course, all the good that good sleep makes the rest of our body functioning.

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