Thursday, October 17, 2013

Facebook: Adolescents may already have public posts - Sol

Facebook: Teens j can have posts publics

17deOutubro, 2013

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Facebook already allows
teenagers from 13 to 17 years can share their posts with anyone on the internet, thus increasing the degree of risk of minors leaving behind a digital footprint.

Until now, Facebook users within this group etrio s informaoe could share pictures with your friends or friends of friends.

Now, the new privacy policy d teens the hypothesis from changing definitions of privacy of your posts to be acessveis to the public as permitted users to adults over 18 years.

social network issues, however, a warning message about privacy for users under before each public post.

social network justifies this decision in order to make Facebook more attractive to young people and want to be with a “powerful megaphone” for when the newest tm something important to say society.

“Teenagers are among the most experienced users of social networks, or by their struggles cvicas activism or opinies on a new film, they want to be heard,” explains Facebook.


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