Monday, October 14, 2013

Update equals versions of Instagram for Android and iOS - Tecmundo

 Update equals versions of Instagram for Android and iOS (Image Source: Playback / Google Play)

In last Thursday (10), the developers of Instagram released on Google Play Store an update that brings Android to all the resources that the application is already offered in iOS. Among the main features is the

possibility of narrowing the photos captured, according to owners of Apple devices can already use for some time.

Other improvements include controls on the amount of data used while capturing videos using the software. Although the company has not specified how it affects the recordings, it implies the possibility to create and play productions seedling quality files below normal at times when there is not a high-speed network available.

However, upgrading to Android still lacks an important feature seen in iOS: the possibility to use the “film stabilization” to prevent the photos and videos captured leaving shaky. The new version of the software can be acquired either automatically (if your device is configured to allow this) or via the online store Google Play.

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