first bath of the year is already a long tradition in Carcavelos beach, which every year rene from 10:30 bathers various ages.
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Joo Delgado, 41, a dive this year results from a “joke” because “he had promised each h j añitos” experience the tradition, explained in such statements Lusa .
“the first time” that ventured in these wanderings, accompanied by his wife and son. On the temperature of the water, on a rainy day, smiling commented that he was “good”.
This“another act of madness,” stressed John Delgado, who was only with the child in bathing session, while his wife, edge of water, recorded the debut of two first bath the year.
Dominic Henriques, 47, and Vanessa, 21, and so father and daughter met for the first time the tradition of diving into the sea at the beginning of the year, in winter.
“This is the first time I come to Carcavelos with my little girl and hollow,” Dominic said.
“We’d seen several times on television news reports,” he added, explaining how the idea came.
Father and son plunged into the sea beaten Carcavelos, accompanied by his co.
“The cold water est”, but outside if the weather holds out, said the father, although Vanessa has considered the water “ice and pull a bit more” than in the days of summer.
Despite the gray sky and the wind was felt in the beach father and daughter promised that “vo repeat” the baths in 2015.
“It was a good experience,” said Dominic Henriques.
Also the
Vera, 31, and Cristina Martins, 16, ventured materials this year, also accompanied by your pet.
To Vera
this your second year to fulfill the tradition, having achieved “drag some more” in this case the press.
questioned whether this tradition or experience should also serve for luck, Vera said: “comearmos well for the year”
water temperature, Vera said that first ‘costs go “, but after” does not feel the cold. “
For materials, this experience be repeated in the next year, with two or dragging any more.
Cristiana, the first baths also result in fun, wishing that the year now beginning to bring “a lot of health and full of good things” for everyone.
For Vera, the votes vo above all for “a lot of health.”
Antnio David J, 64, fulfills tradioh several decades, with excepo last year.
“I come here every year,” but “I came in last year,” he said, adding that despite a cold plunge decided to come this year, despite the cold water, the sky and the rainy wind that was feel on the beach.
“Est cold very cold,” he said, adding that once again the woman dubbed “crazy” for having decided to come take a dip during the morning, j that while considering the superstitious , “the year 2013 was so bad,” it is better to keep the tradition.
it takes courage to dive into the first day of the year, Antnio David said that “for some people this is a side of courage.”
However, “I understand that there is a necessary courage, but in this kind,” he said.
“What I meant was that our people, this year, 2014, had tambma courage to face all these adversities and running with all these people of power”, alluding to the rulers.
Lusa / SUN
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