Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Over 4 million sold PlayStation 4 in 2013 -

The Japanese console manufacturer so outperforms rival Xbox One will have sold “more than 3 million units”, although still only be available in 13 markets.

During the time holiday were sold more than 9.7 million games retailers worldwide and via download from PlayStationStore

Call of Duty:. Ghosts of Activision, Assassin’s CreedIV: Black Flag Ubisoft, Battlefield 4 and FIFA 14 from Electronic Arts and Killzone Shadow Fall of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios were some of the best selling games, reveals the manufacturer in a statement.

PS4′s players seem to actively share their gaming experiences through the streaming functionality of the console. To date, over 1.7 million game broadcasts were made from PS4 systems via Twitch and Ustream platforms, totaling more than 55 million minutes.

According to Twitch, 20 % of users are users that transmit PS4. Ustream is also
reporting an average of 40 minutes used for streaming. All these transmissions generated almost 22 million game sessions “Spectate”. Globally, the number of subscriptions to PlayStation Plus (PS Plus) service increased by over 90% since the launch of the PS4, Sony added in the statement.

“The dynamics of PS4 continues to gain strength and not we could be more excited about the fact that players from around the world are enjoying the experience of immersive gaming, social and entertainment capabilities available from our network, “said Andrew House, CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment.

The official sales figures come alongside the PS4 announcement from Sony at CES about the launch of PlayStation Now, an online platform that allows streaming to PS3 and PS2 games on multiple devices, such as tablets, smartphones or Smart TV.

The service will initially be launched in the U.S. in the summer, still not knowing the release dates for other parts of the world.

Written under new Orthographic Agreement

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