Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fake profiles on social networks are a 'danger' - TVI24

contact with fake profiles on social networking sites, almost always created with sexual aims, is of the greatest risks that young people running on the internet, warns Titus Morais, who for 10 years working in the online safety of young people.

Tito Morais is responsible for MiudosSegurosNa.Net project for over a decade and has participated in dozens of training activities and lectures on the subject, for young people and parents. Speaking to Lusa, has no doubt that there are dramatic cases unfold yourself every day.

‘All that entails risk is symptomatic people think that only happens to others, “she says, adding however that all people have weaknesses and that there is always someone who knows how to exploit them.

When you go to a school ‘is rare that there is not a student, a teacher or a parent with a story to tell ‘. Tito Morais has some dramatic, like a 13 year old girl enticed by a young assumption of equal age and it was after all a man of 50 years, or a recent call for help from a person who for two years had a ‘relationship ‘someone who does not exist.

‘ People tend to think that the problem is technical, but the internet is fundamentally about people, spends much by psychological manipulation, “says Tito Morais, who work a decade ensures sexual grooming to be the biggest concern

of parents.

But parents who are often alienated from their children do on the Internet, and are also parents to create profiles of children under 10 years in Facebook (social network) page, lying on age (to be PG-13). “I would venture that 80 percent of youths between 8, 9 or 10 years have Facebook account,” she says.

Tito Morais still strange that many parents are unaware that there are tools on the Internet for greater security on the children can see, and remember that the dangers are also other platforms such as mobile phones and tablets and respective applications.

The sensitizing, as does the MiudosSegurosNa.Net, must be continuous, bails Tito Morais which has more than 100 orders for awareness raising, mostly in schools but has no means to satisfy them.

So began this week on the website, and for two months, a draft ‘crowdfunding’ (obtaining money for initiatives of public interest). Tito Morales wants to raise at least EUR 2500, which would fund a dozen training activities in schools. Until today, told Lusa, only received 200 euros contributions.

MiudosSegurosNa.Net The project began in March 2003 and now claims to be one of the online safety initiatives for children and youth to reach higher level Europe (the most talked about fifth).

And do not miss work, says Tito Morais. Because there is always a girl ‘who wants to be a model’ or a boy ‘who wants to be a footballer’, and a fake profile on a social network awaiting them.

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