Sunday, January 5, 2014

Today ends strike mending Lisbon - the Minute News

strike mending the municipality of Lisbon, which extended from December 24 in protest against the transfer of powers from the camera to the parish council, ends today at the end of the day.

On December 12, the employees of urban cleaning and hygiene Lisbon announced that the strike would refuse collection day between 00:28 that month. The strike was scheduled for the period between 00:00 on 24th and 05:00 on the 28th and still affected overtime until the 05th of January.


Lisbon Chamber has already announced that as soon as the strike ends in the early hours of Monday, will collect garbage and sweep and wash the streets.

goal, Lusa said Councilman Urban Hygiene, Duarte Cordeiro, is “normalize the situation as soon as possible.”

The municipality has taken the trouble to create this strike to the management of urban hygiene and cleanliness of the city, even though the workers met the minimum services and despite the help that the camera received from parish councils.

On December 27, the president of the municipality, Antonio Costa (PS), said that the problems of urban hygiene resulting from the strike should only be resolved from the 10th of January.

The mayor also announced the placement of containers for debris

in areas of the city most affected by the lack of waste collection. The camera began 32 containers available and then increased that number to 52.

On 28 December, the Directorate General of Health (DGS) issued a statement recommending that the weekenders to avoid depositing the trash during this strike, to prevent unsanitary conditions and minimize the impact on public health.

Councilman Cordeiro Duarte returned still emphasize that, despite the protests have affected the collection of garbage, this competence not be carried over to the parishes. In the department of Urban Hygiene, just wash and sweep the streets will now be the responsibility of the joints.

For the Union of Workers of the Municipality of Lisbon (STML), “the strike reached the goals, calling everyone’s attention to the problem of the 1,800 workers that the council will transfer to the joints.”

Vitor Reis, union president recalled that this protest was also called upon to defend the public service:. “transfer of powers to the parishes may be opening the door to the outsourcing of service not mean it is direct, not for today or tomorrow, but this is a real danger, “he said.

The union claims that “workers transiting camera for parish councils in mobility scheme” and is still worried about “the possibility of the joints do not meet the functional profiles of employees.”

Vitor Reis makes a positive assessment of the strike, but held that “the reasons for the protest remain” and said, so that the STML “does not discard any form of struggle in the near future.”

At issue is the law 56/2012, which regulates the administrative reorganization of Lisbon, within which the camera will carry over 1,800 city workers for the 24 parish councils, from February this year.

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