Saturday, January 25, 2014

Microsoft talks about the performance of multiplatform games ... -

Differences between versions of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition lit the fuse


Apparently, the first major multiplatform games for the new generation of consoles seem to have been better adapted than in the PS4 and Xbox One debate about the differences in frames per second between the PS4 and Xbox version of One definitive edition of Tomb Raider seem to have lit the fuse.


long podcast with gamertagradio, Albert Penello, leading planning One Xbox, Xbox 360 and Kinect, came to defend public the capabilities of your Xbox One to run multiplatform games.

“Look, I’ve had much time to think about it and believe in what he said. I believe that the differences between the Xbox and the PS4 One are not that great, I know what goes on inside the scenes and have access to More information on this subject than

many people. Sometimes people tend to neglect the points that are in my favor and like to highlight the points that say I’m wrong. still think that Ryse is still the most beautiful game on any platform. endpoint And, “he said.

Penello also rested the owners of Xbox One to be noted that the generation has just started and there are still many and great games ahead.

“If you look at multiplatform titles the launch of Xbox One, will see that they are equal to the PS4. I think 12 titles were released on the PS4 and Xbox One, with most of them to have the same performance in both consoles. Everybody wants to focus on the frame rate, there is the Tomb Raider, there’s something to resolution okay, there may be a number of reasons that point to that’s true but the console is still only been here a few weeks ago also will be a long line. “

“People who buy an Xbox One will have a generation of awesome games that will keep getting better. I think these little things are too exaggerated in relation to the quality of the games and the real differences in experiences that actually are very small, “he concluded.

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