Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tube with 200 meters was drifting between Mira and Sintra - The Ball

A pipe 200 feet long has been spotted, on Wednesday, off the Praia das Macas, Sintra and is currently stranded on a beach in the county, after being adrift between Mira and Sintra.

According to the online edition of JN, the structure is a tube inlet water fish farming ACUINOVA company, located in Mira, which broke off and went into the sea, being dragged to the south.

“The structure was detected today in Praia das Macas (Sintra) and is currently beached a little further south, in a place known as the Hole Forge,” explained the commander of the captaincy of the port of Cascais, Darius Moreira.

The pipe is 200 meters long and two in diameter, but there is a danger of pollution or for navigation,

because it lies near the coast.

‘Still, as a precaution a notice to mariners about the presence of the tube, so that was issued more aware, “he added.

The bad weather will have dictated the detachment of the structure that should be fragmented due to heavy swell. Despite being stranded, said the official, the tube should break off and continue to drift south.

The ACUINOVA already issued a statement in which be guaranteed ‘make every effort to ensure in collaboration with the competent authorities, that necessary actions are developed to carry out the removal in perfect safety. “

‘This incident occurred at the place where they were to be finalized the works of one of the production areas the ACUINOVA ‘, the company said, adding that the causes of the incident “are being investigated by competent technicians, to discharge the responsibilities»

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