Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pay-TV operators will have reduced contribution in the Law ... - TeK.sapo

Through 2019 television operators by subscribers – Optimus Zon, PT Communications, Vodafone and Cabovisão – will pay € 1.75 for each customer instead of 3.5 euro specified in the Cinema Law been in force since 2012. Telecommunications companies reached agreement with the Government for the new value and the executive has approved the amendment by the Council of Ministers.

The reduced contribution is seen as a transitional period to adapt to the legislation. From 2019 the pay-TV operators will contribute two euros each contract held. Until then the cost of the contribution will be allocated to ANACOM, the regulatory authority for telecommunications.

Anacom will pay 1.75 by 2019 the “other” euros, and after the transitional period the
authority will leave with a charge of 1.5 euros per subscriber pay-TV services.

According to the Business Journal writes Secretary of State for Communications, Sérgio Monteiro, justified the division of “expenses” with the fact that the financial results of Anacom be partly funded by the telecom sector.

The Law of Cinema in 2013 caused some controversy after the operators have not paid a debt of EUR 12.5 million, companies having received criticism from the Secretary of State for Culture. In September last year APRITEL, association of telecommunications operators, had expressed himself against the charge of unconstitutionality.

The Cinema Law provides for the payment of a tax for each subscriber pay-TV operators owned by segment, where the money is to end the financing of cultural projects.

Written under the new Orthographic Agreement

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