Sunday, January 12, 2014

U.S. study finds that caffeine improves memory - Sun


American study concludes that caffeine improves memory

12deJaneiro, 2014

Caffeine improves memory and has positive long-term effects, concludes a
study by a U.S. university now published in a scientific journal.

A team from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, found that caffeine stimulates certain memories, at least 24 hours apso consumption.

According to the study, published in Nature Neuroscience, the caffeine has a positive effect on long-term memory in humans.

“We always knew that caffeine has effects that improved cognitive performance, but has never been examined in detail in humans especficos their effects on the reinforcement of memory and how it generates resistance to oblivion, “said Michael Yassa, a specialist who led the study.

universitrio teacher said that, for the first time, a specific effect of caffeine over 24 hours, which reduces the omission was detected.

Lusa / SUN

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