Saturday, January 25, 2014

New security system Snapchat is broken in 30 minutes - Digital Look

To prevent spambots still distribute more unwanted messages in your service, Snapchat implemented a system to verify that the person who registers is actually a human. The security tool was implemented poorly and was broken, with only 30 minutes of effort a hacker.

Developer Steven Hickson reports in his blog that needed no more than 100 lines of code to create a bot able to dribble the new security measures.

src="" width="314"> The problem of Snapchat tool is that it uses an extremely easy to break model. The system asks the user to identify which of multicolored images with the logo of the service, which is extremely peculiar and easily recognized. Any intelligent bot is able to identify it.

Basically, what he did was grab the logo Snapchat and his ghost and compare with each of the images offered by protection tool to see if it is found or not. The comparison is quick and quite effective, indicating that the idea of ??the company was not good.

And that’s what made Hickson. 100 lines of code available on GitHub for anyone to use as they see fit.

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