Sunday, June 30, 2013

Swap: PS wonder why Gaspar has not passed data to ... - Sol

PS wonder why Vtor Gaspar have in the past secretary of the Treasury information about the ‘swap’, whereas, with the data provided, the statements of Maria Lus Albuquerque commission of inquest were “serious because false”.

Ana Catarina Mendes, Member of the Parliamentary Commission on PS inquest celebration Contracts Gesture Financial Risk by public sector companies, said today that agency Lusa, before the statements of Teixeira dos Santos, on Saturday, there remain questions as “why the minister Gaspar Vtor in giving information secretary of state, because it that relied on a portfolio of such importance “Maria Lus Albuquerque.

E, “has passed this information secretary of state then the statements of the secretary of State Maria Lus headquarters in Albuquerque commission of inquest s because the serious false “, said Ms socialist.

Former Finances Minister Fernando Teixeira dos Santos on Saturday assured to have informed his successor, Vtor Gaspar, of “all information necessria” on the contracts ‘swap’ ( Financial derivatives on interest rates) involving public companies, in a meeting held June 18, 2011.

“At the

time of transition from folders, I had a meeting on Saturday, the eve of the inauguration of the new Government, June 18, with the current minister of Finances “where” all the information about the raw necessria ‘procurement’ swap ‘involving public companies, Lusa Agency said the former Minister of Finances government of Jos Socrates.

Ana Catarina Mendes said today that “the fact that for two years, with the conditions of the markets to deteriorate, nothing was done and this caused an very seriously prejudice to the State.”

“It is therefore important that the commission, and that the PS seeks to esclarea this matter quickly, demonstrate reasons why the Government did nothing during all this time, walking, all this to be true now known, to deceive the Portuguese, “he added.

Asked whether it was appropriate Teixeira dos Santos be heard in committee, the deputy replied that “what this opportune moment in the commission of inquest that Mr. Minister Gaspar Vtor respond quickly to the request the PS sent requesting information that has been passed “on the file of ‘swap’.

PS parliamentary group will have delivered in parliament Wednesday whether an application to the Minister of Finances, Vtor Gaspar, or received information from its predecessor on the ‘swap’ .

Lusa / SUN

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